

来源:金玉米 编辑:小河流水 时间:2016-05-03

1. 波希米亚 Bohemian
热爱艺术,反叛,独立不羁。风格要素:突出异域风情的图案和质地,吉普赛的精细条纹,阔袖的罩衫,层叠的项链,头巾披风,和蜡染的牛仔。Artistic, non-traditional, free-spirited. Exotic patterns and textures, gypsy's intricate patterns, peasant blouses, mutiple chains, head scarves, hippy ponchos, and tie dye jeans.

2. 艺术家风格 Arty
有创造力的思想者。突出自己独特的艺术品味,喜爱手工制品,喜爱穿戴自己的手工衣饰。A creative thinker who shows her artistic themes, chooses something unique, prefers handcrafted items, and often creates own clothing and accessories.

3. 时髦趋新 Chic, trendy, fashionable
经典,入时,出众,而漂亮的设计。精良的裁剪,悉心精选的提包和配饰。颜色强烈但不刺眼。Classic, stylish, striking, and smart designs. Well tailored garments, well chosen accessories. Clothes are strong colored but not garish.

4. 经典风格 Classic
舒适,高质量,经典的单品,比如白衬衫,芭蕾平底鞋,阔腿裤,和皮靴。布料上乘,做工精湛。干净利落的线条,整体的和谐和稳重,简洁雅致。Comfort, quality, popular styles such as white button-down blouses, ballet flats, wide-legged trouser and leather boots. Superb fabric, impeccable tailoring, clean unclutered lines, formal balance and stability. Simple elegance.

5. 异域风情 Exotic
完全的与众不同,耀眼而令人兴奋,神秘而引人入胜。风格要素包括修长飘逸的线条,浓烈的色彩,风格绣花,装饰,印花,和拼花,色彩多变的质地,闪亮的首饰等等。Uncommon, striking, excitingly different, mysterious, intriguing, long flowing lines, rich colors, embroidery, ornate ptterns, prints, mosaics, iridescent textures, and shiny jewelry, etc.

6. 火热夸张 Flamboyant
激动人心,活力四射,耀眼夺目。不对称,夸张的荷叶边,流苏,怪异的图案,浓烈而明亮的色彩  Energetic, outgoing, dramatic. Asymetrical, exaggerated flounce, fringe. Outlandish prints. Intense bright colors.

7. 魅力迷人 Glamorous
夺人的美丽,带着优雅,带些性感。色彩可深可浅但不强烈。钻石和丝缎不可或缺。Dazzeling, refined, dramatic, with subtle allure, and sexy. Deep to bright but not intense. Never complete withut diamonds, silk and satin.

8. 浪漫柔美 Romantic
不可救药地浪漫。注意不是找寻浪漫而是追求浪漫。往往带一些不切实际的理想主义。喜爱花和花案,心型图案,皱褶,荷叶边,柔软轻盈的面料,柔和的线条。经常喜欢心型的盒子项坠和带贝壳人像浮雕的项坠。Often called hopeless but in reality hoping for, rather than looking for, romance. Often idealistic and unrealistic. Like flowers, hearts, ruffles, flouncing, soft fabrics, gentle curve lines, and accessories with lockets and cameos.


The main goal of sexy dresses is to turn men’s heads, which often annoy other woman around. Sexy style is often flirtatious and shows the maximum exposure of the body. Sexy style is not complete without baring lot of skin, wearing tight fitting tops and even the bottoms that leave little to the imagination. It is often accompanied with stiletto heels, tight skirts or shorts.


People with sophisticated style are not easily satisfied. Similar to classic, these people want high quality. Aside from high quality, distinction and culture polish which is beyond the elegance are needed. People who appreciate sophisticated style are often socialites or want to be one. In fact, these people dream themselves as connoisseurs who value haute culture and luxury.


Western fashion style features the cowboy themes of the American Southwest and West. The western fashion is great for those who work or live on a ranch, participate in a rodeo or those who wish they live that kind of life. The people with this style typically have active, sunny and straight-talking characteristics. Western wear can be very informal, such as blue jeans, t-shirt, denim jacket, fringe jacket, cowboy hat, leather belt, and cowboy boots, etc.


Traditional fashion style shows the wholesome and sensible “girl next door”. These people' characteristics are practical, polite and always dress appropriately. Their styles are classic since most of the apparels are time-honored favorites. A girl with this style often wear a plaid flannel shirt or pea coat. She also prefers the classic black dress as long as it suits the occasion.


Preppy style is very popular among college students. This style is often girly but not too much frilly. The clothes are great to mix and match. In most of the time, the style may appear luxurious but actually people with this style do not drop ton of cash to have the look. The apparel often includes opaque tights, A-line skirts, girly blouses and headbands, etc.


Punk style had started after the World War II but it became popular in the 1970’s. It had gone through different modifications and style twists but the main goal of punk style is to be anti-materialistic and edgy. Glam punk has bright colors, leather, spandex and leopard print while pop punk may have skinny jeans, band tees, skater styles and wrist bands.



Tomboy style is for a girl who wants to wear something simple and who doesn't like to wear pink. Tomboy style focuses on graphic tees and distressed shirts from the boy section of department stores. This apparel is a bit baggy but it is not a bad thing. Likewise, popular stores offer unisex clothes that can be worn by guys and gals.


Depending on the genre or the crowd, rocker style may vary from ultra-glam to grunge. Thrift stores are the ultimate source of the rock styles. Clothes are cheap and looks like they were worn in for several months. Rockers do not wear baggy clothes and they opt for smaller size. Rocker style is not complete without ripped denim, vintage tees and leather jacket.


Gothic fashion is a clothing style influenced by Goth subculture. This style is characterized with dark and morbid style of dress. Common Gothic style includes black lips, black hair as well as black clothes. Males and females who follow Goth style wear dark fingernails and dark eyeliner. Some elements in Goth style are often borrowed from punk style, Victorians and Elizabethans.






