女人要的就是这些 (That's All Women Want)
来源:金玉米 编辑:大海
Plain looking husband 长相平平的老公
...normal simple ring普通戒指
...small wedding party 小型婚礼
...honeymoon at any place任何一处去渡蜜月
...small house for the kids to run around 小屋,孩子可以奔跑
...lovely children可爱的小孩
...husband is a family man 顾家老公
...but work hard 还要努力工作
...small car for shopping 购物小车
...another car for kids另外一辆搭乘孩子
...some collections 一些收藏
...shoes for each occasion各种场合的鞋子
...some nice outfits 一些行头
...a bit of cosmetics一些美容品
...a bit of makeup 一些彩妆
...overseas trip once a year一年一次海外游
...more often on domestic trips 国内经常游
... Presents occasionally 经常有礼物
...a bit of Gift to myself 时常犒劳自己
...finally, some securities.最后,一些压箱底的
That's it... WOMEN ARE NOT DEMANDING AT ALL!!!!! 所以,女人并非要求整个世界!