Audrey Hepburn(奥黛丽·赫本)中英文名言

Love is always accompanied by risks, we should maintain the essence of love – love is not a temporary impulse, but a long test.
If you need a helping hand, you can find it under any of your arms; as you grow older, you will find that you have two hands, one for helping yourself and the other for helping others.
The beauty of a woman is not on the surface, but on the spiritual level is her care, her love and her enthusiasm.
The charm of a woman lies not in her appearance, but in her genuine beauty reflected in the depth of her soul. It lies in her kind giving and enthusiasm. The beauty of a woman grows with the years.
If my world dies tomorrow, I will look back on all the happiness, excitement and splendor that I had the privilege of having. It’s not sadness, failure or my father’s leaving home. It’s the happy side of everything. That’s enough.
Cherish life, no matter what happens, no matter who you meet, enjoy the experience. In my opinion, past experience has taught me to cherish the present, and I do not want to waste my time in worrying about the future.