Jean-Baptiste Camille Corot,让—巴蒂斯·卡米耶·柯罗(1796-1875),法国著名的巴比松派画家,被誉为19世纪最出色的抒情风景画家。画风自然,朴素,充满迷蒙的空间感。柯罗在54岁时发展出他独特的羽毛状画风,此时他所画的树,云,都相当具有蓬松感。
Hagar in the Wilderness
The Environs of Paris
Banks of the Stream near the Corot Property, Ville d'Avray
The Banks of the Seine at Conflans
Portrait of a Child
A Woman Gathering Faggots at Ville-d'Avray
Sibylle 西比勒画像(1870) 画布油画
The Gypsies
A Pond in Picardy
Bacchante by the Sea
Boatman among the Reeds
The Burning of Sodom (formerly "The Destruction of Sodom") 天火焚毁所多玛城(1843和1857)画布油画
Study for "The Destruction of Sodom"
Diana and Actaeon (Diana Surprised in Her Bath)