
《爱情公寓》主题曲 --《爱情公寓》

来源:金玉米 编辑:admin 时间:2020-04-25

 曲:陈韵若 (Composer: Chen Yunruo)

词:甘世佳 韦正 汪远 (Lyrics: Gan Shijia, Wei Zheng & Wang Yuan)
演唱:王传君 陈赫 孙艺洲 金世佳 娄艺潇 (Singers: Wang Chuanjun, Chen He, Sun Yizhou, Jin Shijia & Lou Yixiao)
MV: 《爱情公寓》主题曲 《爱情公寓》(iPartment Theme Song ‘iPartment’)


女:其实我 也明了 对的人 那么少 
Nǚ: qí shí wǒ yě míng liǎo duì de rén nà me shǎo
Woman: Actually I now understand too that with the perfect match, being so rare

女:能够一起到老 那比什么都重要 
Nǚ: néng gòu yì qǐ dào lǎo nà bǐ shén me dōu zhòng yào
W: Simply being able to grow old together, that’s what’s most important.

女:怕身材不够好 怕美丽会变少 
Nǚ: pà shēn cái bú gòu hǎo pà měi lì huì biàn shǎo
Woman: Afraid my figure isn’t good enough, afraid my beauty will fade

男:总是不明了 为何要烦恼 
Nán: zǒng shì bù míng liǎo wèi hé yào fán nǎo
Man: I never understood why you worry [about those things]

男:世界太纷扰 自在就好 
Nán: shì jiè tài fēn rǎo zì zài jiù háo
M: The world is too distressing, it’s better to just relax and be yourself

女:总是 为他们烦恼 
Nǚ: zǒng shì wèi tā men fán nǎo
W: I’m always worrying about them [men]

女:王子哪里去了 青蛙也做主角
Nǚ: wáng zǐ nǎ lǐ qù le qīng wā yě zuò zhú jiǎo
W: Where have the princes gone? Even the frogs want to take the lead 

Nán: zǒng shì bèi nǚ rén de wú liáo léi dào bào
M: I’m always overwhelmed by women’s ridiculous/silly thoughts

男:那些事 有什么大不了 
Nán: nà xiē shì yǒu shén me dà bù liǎo
M: Those things, what’s the big deal?

Nán: tā men xiàng huǒ xīng rén jià dào
M: They’re [women] like the Martians who have come to Earth

Nǚ: tā men xiàng tiān qì nán yǐ yù bào
W: They’re [men] like the weather, so hard to predict

Nán: bú zài tóng yí gè pín dào
M: We’re not on the same frequency/wavelength/channel [meaning we are not on the same page]

Nán & nǚ: xīn piān piān zài tiào
M & W: But my heart is pounding


女:我只要 我只要 你的笑 你的好 
Nǚ: wǒ zhǐ yào wǒ zhǐ yào ni de hǎo
W: I just want, I just want, your smile, your kindness

男:我想逃 我想逃 你太吵 你太闹
Nán: wǒ xiǎng táo wǒ xiàng táo nǐ tài chǎo nǐ tài nào
M: I want to flee, I want to flee, you are too fussy, you are too noisy

女:其实我 也明了 每个人 都骄傲
Nǚ: qí shí wǒ yě míng liǎo měi gè rén dōu jiāo ào
W: Actually I now understand too that everyone is proud

合:我在向你奔跑 想让你看到 
Nán & nǚ: wǒ zài xiàng nǐ bēn pǎo xiǎng ràng nǐ kàn dào
M & W: But I am running to you, and want to be seen by you


男:我只要 我只要 对我笑 对我好 
Nán : wǒ zhǐ yào wǒ zhǐ yào duì wǒ xiào duì wǒ hǎo
M: I just want, I just want, you to smile at me, you to be nice to me

女:我想逃 我想逃 嫌我吵 嫌我闹
Nü: wǒ xiǎng táo wǒ xiǎng táo xián wǒ chǎo xián wǒ nào
W: I want to flee, I want to flee, because you think I am fussy, because you think I am noisy

男:其实我 也明了 对的人 那么少 
Nán: qí shí wǒ yě míng liǎo duì de rén nà me shǎo
M: Actually I now understand too that with the perfect match, being so rare

女:能够一起到老 那比什么都重要 
Nǚ: néng gòu yì qǐ dào lǎo nà bǐ shén me dōu zhòng yào
W: Simply being able to grow old together, that’s what’s most important.

男:总是 为他们烦恼
Nán: zǒng shì wèi tā men fán nǎo
M: I’m always worrying about them [women]

男:怕伤心忘不掉 怕爱情会退烧
Nán : pà shāng xīn wàng bú diào pà ài qíng huì tuì shāo
M: Afraid of being hurt and unable to forget, afraid that the love will cool

女:其实很明了 何必再吐槽 
Nǚ: qí shí hěn míng liǎo hé bì zài tù cáo
W: Actually everything is clear, why continue worrying and complaining

女:庸人方自扰 自在就好 
Nǚ: yōng rén fāng zì rǎo zì zài jiù hǎo
W: Only mediocre men would worry, it’s better to just relax and be yourself

男:总是 为自己烦恼 
Nán: zǒng shì wèi zì jì fán nǎo
M: I’m always worried about myself

男:情书总不着调 告白没有人教 
Nán: qíng shū zǒng bù zháo diào gào bái méi yǒu rén jiāo
M: My love letters are always poorly-written, and nobody ever taught how to confess my love

Nǚ: zǒng shì bèi nán rén de hú tu shǎn dào yāo
W: I’m always stunned by men’s silly/muddle-headedness

女:说愿意 只不过 下一秒 
Nü: shuō yuàn yì zhǐ bú guò xià yì miǎo
W: Saying “I do” is only one second away [meaning it is very easy to win a woman’s heart if men were just smarter or more careful]

Nán & nǚ : wǒ shǐ zhōng zhí zhuó de xiāng xìn
M & W: I have always stubbornly believed

Nán & nǚ : nǐ de yuè liao dài biǎo wǒ de xīn
M & W: that your moon represents my heart [Note: This line is adapted from the famous love song “The Moon Represents My Heart”.]

男:不在同一个频道 心偏偏在跳 








