
You Have Got A Friend-James Taylor

来源:金玉米 编辑:admin 时间:2020-04-28

  英文名: James Taylor   唱片公司: EMI 
生 日: 1948-3-12   星 座: 双鱼 
国 籍: 美国     语 言: 英语 
个人经历: James Taylor was a big part of the folk revolution of the 1960s and early 1970s, recording hits like Carolina in My Mind,   weet Baby James,  and Carole King s  You ve Got A Friend.  Taylor was married for a time to singer Carly Simon, and their passionate relationship and breakup was much publicized. Also much publicized were Taylor s struggles with depression and heroin addiction. Taylor continued to tour and record throughout the 1980s and 1990s, emerging as a kind of elder statesman of pop music
一首友谊之歌You ve Got A Friend成为街头巷尾传唱金曲,至今仍频出现在电视,电影,广告之中成为重点衬乐,并为James Taylor赢得第一座葛莱美“最佳流行男演唱人”奖。踏入歌坛近40个年头,James不时的写出关怀人心正面之语辞来鼓励大众,虽然自己曾有过毒瘾以及精神方面的问题,但是勇於面对并决心改正,将成果与过程与乐迷分享,更常将精力转移到公益,慈善表演上,诚实剖析自己心境,辅以简单清爽乐器伴奏,James的音乐一直是那么温暖的感动每位聆听著的心。
出生於麻萨诸塞州全名James Vernon Taylor,在孩童时期就学习大提琴,后来改学吉他,高中就读时跟哥哥合组乐团。James曾以Flying Machine之名发了一张不红的单曲,带著失望的心回到纽约,藉由毒品麻醉自己,一通紧急电话让父亲救了他一把,对此写下一首感念歌曲,重拾起对音乐的热诚。1968年到伦敦录了一些DEMO引起制作人Peter Asher注意,穿针引线与披头四刚成立的Apple Records签约,发行一张销售不佳的同名专辑,回到美国后,1970推出Sweet Baby James专辑,受到AMG与滚石杂志五星满分好评,入选滚石杂志「500张经典专辑」第103名,VH1则选此辑为「传世经典专辑」第77位,金氏流行音乐百科评选为「最佳疗伤专辑」亚军,单曲Fire And Rain登上流行单曲季军,终让Jamest嚐到成功的滋味。接著1971-2003年间拿下五座葛莱美奖,2000年分别进入「摇滚名人堂」以及「词曲创作名人堂」,至今仍在唱片公司与乐迷大力支持下持续发行新作。
When you are down and troubled 
And you need a helping hand 
And nothing, nothing is going right 
Close your eyes and think of me 
And soon I will be there 
To brighten up even your darkest night 
You just call out my name 
And you know wherever I am 
I will come running to see you again 
Winter, spring, summer or fall 
All you have to do is call 
And I will be there, yeah, yeah, yeah. 
You have got a friend 
If the sky above you 
Should grow dark and full of clouds 
And that old north wind should begin to blow 
Keep your head together 
And call my name out loud, yeah 
Soon I will be knocking upon your door 
You just call out my name 
And you know wherever I am 
I will come running, oh yes I will 
To see you again 
Winter, spring, summer or fall 
All you have to do is call 
And I will be there, yeah, yeah, yeah. 
Aint it good to know that you have got a friend 
When people can be so cold 
They will hurt you, and desert you 
And take your soul if you let them 
Oh yeah, but dont you let them 
You just call out my name 
And you know wherever I am 
I will come running to see you again 
Winter, spring, summer or fall 
All you have to do is call 
And I will be there, yes I will. 
You have got a friend 
You just call out my name 
And you know wherever I am 
I will come running to see you again (oh baby dont you know) 
Winter, spring, summer or fall 
All you have to do is call 
Lord, I will be there yes I will. 
You have got a friend 
Oh, you have got a friend. 
Aint it good to know you have got a friend. 
Aint it good to know you have got a friend. 
You have got a friend. 






