
电影《华尔街》(Wall Stree)中英台词

来源:金玉米 编辑:admin 时间:2021-12-04

This gives you limited power of attorney for Mr Gekko's account.
你得以全权处理每一笔交易 你买♥♥进的购股单均需注明授权
Every ticket you buy must be marked "power of attorney".
That means that you call the shots.
盖柯先生于法完全不知情 好吗
Mr Gekko has no official knowledge of what stocks you're buying. All right?
在下面签名 一式两份
Just sign it at the end, twice.
I never knew how poor I was until I started making money.
Your transactions will be monitored by StockWatch.
若是出了乱子 你只得靠自己
If any trouble does arise, you are on your own out there.
线索只到你为止 你了解吗
The trail stops with you, understand?
Spread the buy orders over different accounts, you won't get burnt.
I have friends that won't mind making easy money.
鲁迪 我的小可爱好吗
Rudy Gazoodi! How's my cutie?! Viens ici!
我们得拉拢股东支持才好摊牌 但我们可不想闹得满城风雨
We need more votes for the showdown, but don't wanna go public...
-你好 巴德先生 -你好 巴德先生
- Bonjour, Monsieur Buddy. - Bonjour, Monsieur Buddy.
Oh! He speaks French already.
Kid had the highest score in his lQ test.
It is so difficult to get into a good nursery school now.
They even go to your home to make sure you're acceptable.
That's it for you with the grown-ups.
-妮可 麻烦你带他去午睡 -好
- Nicole, would you take him for a nap now? - Viens, mon petit.
替他洗个澡 给他穿上那套可爱的黑衣服
Give him a bath and put that cute little black suit on him.
This is a contact at one of our offshore banks.
On settlement day you'll open an account for Mr Gekko...
..under the name Geneva Roth Holding Corp.
Then you'll wire-transfer the money to this account in the Cayman lslands.
You're gonna make a lot of money, pal.
风险是越来越大 不许出错
The stakes are going up. No mistakes.
戈登 轻而易举
Piece of cake, Gordon.
lf I could have anything,...
..this would almost do.
How'd your conference go with Gordon?
很顺利 我们达成协议 决定把我们的世界分开来
It went fine. We reached an agreement, and decided to split up the world between us.
你还真不贪心 我喜欢你这种性格
You have modest wants. I like that in a man.
-那你要什么 -我想想
- What do you want? - Let's see.
一幅透纳的画 一颗加纳利钻
A Turner. A perfect canary diamond.
World peace.
The best of everything.
Well, why stop at that?
l don't.
我的客户要大量买♥♥进泰达股票 他得把资金分散开来
My client wants to buy a large block of Teldar. He needs to spread it around.
我放一些钱在你的帐户里 如果赚了 你就能分一杯羹
I'll park some money in your account. If it hits, you get a big cut.
我告诉你 这是最好赚的钱
I'm telling you, this is the easiest money you've ever made.
好 巴德
All right, Bud.
Let's do it.
哈利 我们同事很久了
We go way back, Harry.
You know, I-I-I've put a lot of money into this firm over the years.
-我也带来了不少生意 -你也赚了不少
- I brought in a lot of business. - You've taken enough out, too.
-照理应该存了点钱才对 - 为了离婚我没有机会存钱
- You should have something put aside. - With the divorces I haven't had a chance.
-你这次非走不可 -哈利 一开除我就完了 华尔街无我容身处
- The bridges are burned. - When you fire me I'm finished. On the street.
-你以为我心里很舒服吗 -我也不好过啊
- How do you think I feel about this? - How do you think I feel?
我有很多责任要担 还要养两个小孩
I've got responsibilities. I've got two kids...
What's going on?
林先生请他走路 他没有达到业绩目标
Lynch is giving him the boot. Not pulling his quota.
我们若再搞砸一次 就会是他这种下场
We're all one trade away from humility.
研究部对于通用汽车的新报告 已经出炉
New report on GM and a conference call
明早7点在我办公室开会 会中将一并讨论防卫性股票
in defence stock in my office, 7 am tomorrow.
不需申报出席与否 到时出现就是了
No RSVP required. Just be there.
Now, on a more inspiring note, the new office record...
..for a single month's gross commission from the wealthy individual accounts...
得主是福巴德 挨家挨户打电♥话♥果然管用
..goes to Bud Fox. Shows cold calling does work, fellas.
干得好 巴德 真有一套 来我办公室
Way to go, Bud. Superjob. Come on up here.
巴德 恭喜 你让我在这里的日子加倍难过
Bud, congrats. You just made my life twice as hard around here.
你扶摇直上了 小子 趁现在好好享受吧 因为这不会长久
You're on a roll, kid. Enjoy it while it lasts, cos it never does.
卢 我只是展现出企图心而已
Just kicking ass and taking names, Lou.
你跟我来 巴德
Come along with me, Bud.
这现在是你的了 巴德
This is yours now, Bud.
个人专用柜 树木 窗户
Credenza. Tree. Windows.
更吸引人的是 你的私人秘书珍奈
And, significantly more attractive, your private secretary Janet.
-福先生 幸会 -珍奈 你好
- Nice to meet you, Mr Fox. - Hello, Janet.
我真的不知该说什么 谢谢林先生
Well, I don't really know what to say. Thank you, Mr Lynch.
不 巴德 该道谢的是我
No, I thank you, Bud.
我第一眼看到你的时后 就知道你有这份能耐
The minute I laid my eyes on you I knew that you had what it takes.
现在你可以专注在 你这个有钱的超级散户了
Now you can focus on the big-ticket retail.
Oh, this is very nice. This is very nice.
So what is it? Mr Cocksucker now?
大家都说他们不爱住上东区 他们想住西区
Everybody hates the Upper East Side. They wanna live on the West Side.
不过相信我 当卖♥♥♥房♥♥子的时候 东区的房♥子最好卖♥♥
But when it's resale time the East Side moves all the time.
你想想看西区是谁在住 谁想跟西恩潘和玛丹娜做邻居
What have you got on the West Side? Sean and Madonna?! Trust me.
这里有按♥摩♥ 蒸汽浴 按♥摩♥浴缸 日晒沙龙
Massage, sauna, Jacuzzi... tanning salon.
Best schools in the city.
像你这种可爱的年青人当然会替未来做打算 等你鬼混够之后
A cute young boy like you gotta think of a future lady friend in your life...
..when you've finished wolfing around.
当然 我已经结婚了
Course, I'm taken.
Oak strip floors.
我老公可以替你争取到 利率10%的贷款
My husband can get you a 10% mortgage.
我本来可以自己帮你的 但我还有4件别的生意
l would do it myself, except I'm into four other deals right now.
我4点和5点约了客户看♥房♥♥ 其中有1个很阔气只花现金
So, I got a four o'clock and a five. One's an all-cash type.
Monique something or other.
还是你想看便宜一点的 我在第一大道还有房♥子
Look, maybe you'd like to see something cheaper that I got on First Avenue?
甜心 我的时间是很宝贵的 你说话啊
Honey, the meter's running. Anybody home?
好 我出价95万
All right. Offer 950.
I got something over on Sutton Place.
150万 不过是双拼的
It's a million and a half, but now we're talking duplex.
就是这里 我的家
This is it. This is home.
That's enough gold over there.
Like it?
趁有人搬进来之前 我下周要室内装潢杂♥志♥的人过来拍照
I'm having House Garden come up next w to photograph it before it gets lived in.
Do you mind?
杰瑞 说话啊 你有什么消息
Hey! Jerry! Come at me. Whaddaya got?
不 是37.5
No, no. 37 1/2.
用债券转买♥♥股票 在你那边8点的时候察看东京股市的价位 对
Convert the bonds and check the price in Tokyo at eight o'clock your time. Right.
I'm spilling everything.
Isn't it perfect?
It's too perfect.
Let's not even eat.
静静地看着就好 用想的
Let's just watch it... think about it.
Who am I?
巴德 上♥床♥来
Bud, come to bed.
160万 170万
One million six. Seven.
On my left now. Against you, 1,800,000.
这边有来宾出价190万 200万
1,900,000. New bidder this side. $2m here now.
210万 210万第3次
Not yours. At $2,100,000. $2,100,000.
好 以210万售出
Fair warning, then. Selling for $2,100,000. All done.
For you, sir. $2,100,000.
Whaddaya say we get a suite at the Carlyle?
香槟 鱼子酱 就像往日那般庆祝
Champagne, caviar...? Celebrate just like old times?
得了 戈登 那已经是过去了
Come on, Gordon. Those days are over.
Well, you can't blame me for trying.
You're as beautiful as that painting I just bought.
灿烂美少女 你怎么了 你那纯纯的爱遇上了麻烦
Sunshine, what's wrong? I think you got a bad case of puppy love.
I think I'm falling for Bud.
别陷得太深 他的经验不足 你可不同
Don't fall too far. He hasn't been around the block yet. You have.
-你跟他说过我们的事 -没有 你疯了不成
- Told him about us? - No! Are you crazy?
-我永远不要他知道 明白吗 -我绝不说出去
- I don't want him to ever know, understand? - Mum is the word.
戴玲 你和我是同一种人
You and I are the same, Darien.
以我们的才智不会去相信 那最古老的神话爱情
We are smart enough not to buy into the oldest myth running ...love.
那是人们自己创造出来的虚幻 好让自己不会去跳楼
Fiction created by people to keep them from jumping out of windows.
戈登 我有时真的很想念你 你真的很变♥态♥
You know, sometimes I miss you, Gordon. You're really twisted.

天啊 杰克 这很简单的
For chrissake, Jack, it's easy!
交割日一到 你在支票后背书 抬头写"蓝色马蹄贸易公♥司♥"
On settlement day you endorse a cheque to Blue Horseshoe Trading Company.
Then I'll send you your cut.
什么 不 这是底线 没有人会受害
What? No, that's the bottom line. Nobody gets hurt.
What the fuck is wrong with you?
股市的情况已很糟了 就连大话投资人都在抱怨
It's so bad, even the liars are complaining.
但是你不会 你在赚大钱
But not you. You're making big money.
-你有谁做后台 -你听着
- What's the bottom line? - Hey, look!
I am sick and tired of playing wet nurse to you!
-马文 你不能靠自己吗 -你真是个混♥蛋♥
- Will you do your own homework, Marv! - What an asshole, man!
That's a shame.
法兰克 进买♥♥50万股泰达 上限26元 用新帐户
Yeah, Frank. Work 500,000 shares Teldar with a limit of 26. New account.
Don't fuck it up.
-泰达如何 -你又要来买♥♥
- How's Teldar doing? - Back again?
-我的胃口很好 -把卖♥♥出的挂牌定价 设在比市价高0.5元
- I've got a real appetite. - Bring it five to a half. 2,000 up.
-我要买♥♥些股票 有几股挂牌 -你要买♥♥多少
- I gotta buy stock. What's offered at a half? - What are we looking at?
-8万股 -挂牌有8万股
- Make me an offer on 80. - 80,000 at a half.
I'll take it.
各位女士先生 你们的公♥司♥ 已受到戈登·盖柯的包围
Your company, ladies and gentlemen, is under siege from Gordon Gekko.
T.P. is now leveraged to the hilt, like some piss-poor South American country!
你们最好快点看透盖柯先生 他的无♥耻♥企图是想
l strongly recommend you to see through Mr Gekko's shameless intention here...
变卖♥♥公♥司♥图利 危害股东
..to strip this company, and severely penalise the stockholders.
l strongly recommend you to reject his tender...
用投票来拒绝此投标出价 好让管理阶层重组公♥司♥的股票
..by voting for management's restructuring of the stock.
康威先生 谢谢您给我这个 说话的机会
Well, I appreciate the opportunity you're giving me, Mr Cromwell,...
..as the single largest shareholder in Teldar Paper, to speak.
We are not here to indulge in fantasy, but in political and economic reality.
美国 美国已成为次等的强权
America... America has become a second-rate power.
它的贸易赤字和财政赤字 彷佛是一场恶梦
lts trade deficit and its fiscal deficit are at nightmare proportions.
想当初在那段自♥由♥市场的日子 我们还是顶尖的是工业强权
ln the days of the free market, when our country was a top industrial power,...
..there was accountability to the stockholder.
卡内基 梅隆及其后人 会确保这个工业帝国的稳固
The Carnegies, the Mellons, the men that buiIt this great empire, made sure of it...
..because it was their money at stake.
对如今的管理阶层而言 公♥司♥的好坏与他们无关
Today, management has no stake in the company!
这上面所有在座的人 只拥有不到3%的公♥司♥股票
All together, these men sitting up here own less than 3% of the company.
康威先生的百万年薪 放在哪里
And where does Mr Cromwell put his $1,000,000 salary?
他买♥♥的可不是泰达股票 他只拥有不到1%
Not in Teldar stock. He owns less than 1%.
拥有公♥司♥的是你们 没错 你们才是股东
You own the company. That's right, you, the stockholder.
你们忠心耿耿 却被这些官僚拿来践踏
And you are all being royally screwed over by these bureaucrats,...
他们中餐花公♥司♥的钱吃牛排 没事就有狩猎和钓鱼之旅
..with their steak lunches, their fishing trips,
他们有公♥司♥专机 还有金降落伞规则保护
their corporate jets and golden parachutes.
岂有此理 你太过份了 盖柯
This is an outrage! You're out of line, Gekko!
泰达纸业 康威先生 泰达纸业共有33位副总裁
Teldar Paper, Mr Cromwell, has 33 different vice presidents,...
..each earning over $200,000 a year.
我花了2个月的时间 分♥析♥这些人到底在做什么
Now, I have spent the last two months analysing what all these guys do.
And I still can't figure it out.
我唯一知道的一件事就是 我们的泰达在去年赔了1亿1千万
One thing I do know is that our paper company lost $110m last year.
And I'll bet half of that was spent in
all the paperwork between all these vice presidents!
The new law of evolution in corporate America...
..seems to be... survival of the unfittest.
而我的看法是你要不就做对 要不就是被消灭
Well, in my book you either do it right, or you get eliminated.
ln the last seven deals that I have been involved with there were 2.5m stockholders...
..who have made a pre-tax profit of $12 billion.
Thank you.
I am not a destroyer of companies.
I am a liberator of them!
各位女士先生 重点就在于 贪婪 抱歉我找不到更好的字
The point is, ladies and gentlemen, that greed, for lack of a better word,...
..is good.
贪婪是对的 贪婪是有用的
Greed is right. Greed works.
贪婪可以理清一切 披荆斩棘直捣演化的精髓
Greed clarifies, cuts through and captures the essence of the evolutionary spirit.
贪婪就是一切形式之所在 对于生活要贪婪 对于爱情和知识
Greed, in all of its forms ...greed for life, for money, for love, knowledge...
..has marked the upward surge of mankind.
你们记住我的话 贪婪 不仅能挽救泰达纸业
And greed, you mark my words, will not only save Teldar Paper,...
..but that other malfunctioning corporation called the USA.
Thank you very much.
Fly me to the moon
Let me play among the stars
Buy me 20 June eurodollar CDs,...
20笔3月黄金 卖♥♥出10笔9月份的德国马克 对 再联络 宝贝
..20 March gold and sell 10 September Deutschmarks. Right. Talk at ya, babe.
巴德我很不想承认 但你真是个天才
Ah, Buddy, Buddy, I hate to tell you this, but you are a genius!
黛玲 我刚才灵光一现
Darien! Lightning has struck.
想出了一个绝佳的点子 蓝星航♥空♥公♥司♥
The light bulb has been invented. Bluestar Airlines.
爱迪生 达芬奇 爱因斯坦 他们全都在注视着我
Edison, da Vinci, Einstein. They're all watching me.
Ever hear of the 60-hour work week?
你再过两小时就要去上班了 我也因睡眠不足而快发疯了
You've gotta go to work soon. I'm getting psychotic from a lack of REM sleep.
I'm not gonna broker the rest of my life.
黛玲 我要当龙头 用意大利06世纪的说法就是 企业巨子
l am gonna be a giant, an entrepreneur in the ltalian 16th-century sense of the word.
呼风唤雨 左右大局 我就要飞上枝头当凤♥凰♥了
A mover, a shaker. I'm shooting for the stars, Darien.
You're coming along for the ride.
蓝星是颗未琢过的宝石 戈登
Bluestar is an unpolished gem, Gordon.
一般人把它当垃圾 蹩脚的管理阶层已被价位战压得喘不过气
A half-assed management being decimated by a price war they cannot win.
不过单凭蓝星在瓜迪亚机场的登机门 就能让我们解套
But the gates at La Guardia alone can bail us out.
若蓝星的股还值钱就能冲到1股10元 接收蓝星时机已经成熟
If it's worth a dime, it's worth 10 bucks a share. They're ripe to fall!
巴德 你真是让我悲喜交加
Mixed emotions, Buddy.
这就像怀曼开着我的玛莎拉蒂 冲下了悬崖
Like Larry Wildman going off a cliff... in my new Maserati!
Guys like me have had their asses hung in a sling with the airlines!
-油价随时会涨 工会的人又难搞 -可是戈登 你忘了一件事
- Fuel could go up. Unions are killers. - Yeah, but aren't you forgetting one thing?
资本准备金 这公♥司♥有7500万退休金放在超额筹资的基金户头
Capital reserves. This company has 75 million cash in an overfunded pension.
That buys us a lot of credibility.
最棒的是 你拥有的蓝星股票 已经快到2%了
And the beauty is, you already own close to 2% of this sucker.
保险公♥司♥已经心生退却 你要怎么做
The insurance people are balking on the logging trucks. What do you want to do?
你去告诉那些没骨气的混♥蛋♥ 他们不承保 我们就自己动手
Tell those assholes we'll self-insure if they don't write it.
我们一旦开除一半的管理阶层 我不相信不会造成影响
l can't believe we can fire half the management and nothing changes!
戈登 我从未求过你任何事
Gordon, what I want, and I've never asked you for anything,...
..is to be your copilot on this one.
我要拿下这家航♥空♥公♥司♥ 让它起死回生 正常运作
I wanna take this airline, turn it around and make it work.
It's gonna make us a fortune.
我有个想开航♥空♥公♥司♥的营业员 我花了2年
I got a stockbroker who wants an airline. It'll take two years to
不知头痛几百回 才让泰达起死回生
turn Teldar Paper around.
何苦去搞一家小航♥空♥公♥司♥ 我身边的疯子已经够多了
What do I need a dink airline for? I'm up to my ass in more nuts than a fruitcake!
戈登 我在蓝星工作过 我有关系 在内部有朋友
I've worked at Bluestar. I know my way around. I have friends there, inside.
What do you mean?
3个工会 就占了蓝星43%的预算
The three unions. It's 43% of Bluestar's operating budget.
驾驶组员的时薪是850 这就是隐藏价值
The hourly cost of a flight crew is 850 an hour. That's the real hidden value, GG.
若你能协商成功 把驾驶组员的时薪裁至 350到400元
If you can negotiate that out, get a crew down to 350, 400 an hour,...
这家航♥空♥公♥司♥会继德州航♥空♥后 成为最赚钱的公♥司♥
..this airline'll be the hottest thing since Texas Air.
-你凭什么觉得你能做到 -我能和这些人谈 他们信任我
- What makes you think you can? - I can talk to these people. They trust me.
My father can be a big help in getting cuts.
好 苏珊 打电♥话♥给白金汉 叫他研究一下
All right. Susan, get Buckingham on the phone. Tell him to look into it.
So the falcon's heard the falconer, huh?
-爸 你好 -儿子 抱歉迟到了
- Hi, Dad. - Sorry I'm late. Son
没关系 你又盛装出席了
That's OK. Overdressed as usual.
进来吧 大家都到了 你不来就不能开始
Come on in. Everybody's here. I couldn't start the show without you.
Well, I'll be a lousy Republican!
我也替很多共和党装♥修♥过 我是黛玲 嗨
I decorate for Democrats, too. Lots of them. I'm Darien Taylor.
-巴德常跟我提起你 -你别相信他的话
- Bud's told me all about you. - Don't believe a word.
我从未打过他 也没把他关在衣柜里
I never beat him or locked him in a closet.
-我忘了告诉你衣柜的事 -我想他长大后还算成材啦
- I forgot about the closet. - He turned out OK.
巴德是天生的骗子 不过他是个好孩子
Bud's a born liar, otherwise he's a good kid.
我希望你能常过来 找个不那么正式的场合
I hope you come here more often, under less formal circumstances.
Thank you.
-爸 我想你认识威杜肯 -是呀 你好吗
- Dad, you know Duncan Wilmore. - Sure. How are ya?
驾驶工会 空服员代表东尼
Pilots' union. Toni Carpenter, flight attendants'.
I'd like you to meet Mr Gekko.
福先生 你好
Mr Fox, pleasure to meet you.
他的律师 索先生
His attorney, Mr Salt.
你有巴德这种儿子一定很自豪 他的前途无量
I'd be proud to have a son like Buddy. Got a hell of a career in front of him.
很高兴你这样想 我以为这是非正式的聚会 你的律师在这干嘛
I'm glad you think so. I thought this was inf. What's your attorney doing here?
哈洛 你不介意的话 就去附近绕个几百圈
Harold, you don't mind walking around the block, do you?

-当然 -我来
- Of course. - I'll take that.
No offence.
None taken.
没关系 巴德也常这样
That's OK, Gordon. Bud does it all the time.
Look, I got no illusions about winning a popularity contest with any of you.
I got roasted the other night.
我一个朋友问到 "我们干嘛表扬这个人 其他人都死光了吗"
A friend asked "Why are we honouring this man? Did we run out of human beings?"
我的意思是 最受欢迎的人 未必能把工作做好
It's not always the most popular guy who gets the job done.
你们亏损了2 3千万 股利全无
You've got losses of $20-30 million, dividends cut to zero,...
..and you're being squeezed to death by the majors.
现在的管理层 也许不是最烂的人♥渣♥ 但他们把你们逼上绝境
The management maynot be the worst scum but they put u on this kamikaze course
不用多久 人人都得求自保了
..and pretty soon everybody is gonna be scrambling for parachutes.
Only there's not enough to go around.
管理阶层能自保 你们不行
Management has them. You don't.
若他们动用破产保护♥法♥ 我想他们会这样做
If they throw Bluestar to Chapter 11, which I think they will,...
你们就得解散工会 合约失效 回家吃自己
..they'll use the bankruptcy laws to break your unions, and throw you off the property.
得了吧 恕我冒犯 盖先生 谁能保证你不会也这样做
Oh, come on! With all due respect, what's to prevent you from doing the same thing?
Cos I got a way around all this,...
有钱大家赚的方案 航♥空♥公♥司♥也能转亏为盈
..where we can all make money and make the airline profitable.
So what do you say we cut to the chase?
我要求全面合理裁薪20% 月工作时数增加7小时
I'm asking for a modest 20% across-the-board wage cut, and 7 more hrs a month.
What kind of time frame?
给我1年时间 若还在赔钱 裁薪就继续
A year. If we're still losing money, the reduction stands.
但若开始赚钱 我就放出优♥惠♥
If we're in the black, I'll return part of the givebacks,
薪水恢复原来的水准 还有
pay goes back to current levels,...
..and we initiate an employee profit-sharing programme with stock.
-大家一起做航♥空♥公♥司♥的股东 -你准备将它书面化吗
- You'll own part of the airline. - Will you put it in writing?
I'll have a letter of agreement drafted up in two days.
你的市场策略呢 你要如何转亏为盈
What's your marketing strategy? How will you return us to profitability?
这我们就让巴德来回答 巴德
Why don't I give Buddy an opportunity to answer that? Buddy?
谢谢 戈登
Thank you, Gordon.
首先 我要各位知道 我的大门永远为诸位敞开
First, I want you all to know that my door will always be open,...
因为我从我父亲那边得知 蓝星能够运作 全要归功各位
..because I know from my dad it's you guys that keep Bluestar flying.
What I've come up with here is a basic three-point plan.
第1 我们要现代化 我们的电脑软体屁都不是 这需要更新
One: we modernise. Our computer software is dogshit. We update it.
我们要精算出 每个位子的英里数成本
We squeeze every dollar out of each mile flown.
若有人愿意出379元买♥♥机票 就不必卖♥♥他79元
Don't sell a seat to a guy for 79 bucks when he's willing to pay 379.
Effective inventory management will increase our load factor by 5-20%.
That translates to approximately $50-200 million in revenues.
意思是我们可以在价位战上 打败大航♥空♥公♥司♥
The point being, we can beat the majors at a price war.
第2 打广♥告♥是很重要的 要更加积极以打击大公♥司♥
Two: advertising. More, and aggressive. We attack the majors.
第3 扩张 我们将航线扩展至亚特兰大 北卡罗莱纳和圣路易
Three: expansion. We expand our hubs to Atlanta, North Carolina and St Louis.
And we reorganise all of our feeder schedules.
我们得要有大格局 我们要跟大公♥司♥争地盘
We gotta think big, guys. We're going after the majors.
牌都摊在桌上了 各位 你们怎么说
Well, cards on the table, guys. What do you say?
如果你说的全是真的 那就可以商量
Well, if you mean what you say, I think we're probably in the ballpark.
-我可以拿给我的人看看 -很好
- I guess I can take it to my people. - Good.
你只描绘出了个大概 我想要知道全盘的详细规划
You've sketched broad strokes. I'd like to see the fine print.
但到目前为止 我觉得不错
But I like what I hear so far.
我想人若是活得够久 什么事都会看见 世界真是无奇不有
I guess if a man lives long enough he gets to see everything and I do mean everything.
What else you got in your bag of tricks, Mr Gekko?
老实说 卡尔
Frankly, Carl,
我能想到的都提出来了 但若你还有建议我洗耳恭听
I can't see giving much more, but, if you have any suggestions, I'll listen.
"There came into Egypt a Pharaoh who did not know."
-不好意思 那是成语吗 -不 这是预言
- I beg your pardon. ls that a proverb? - No, a prophecy.
富人自开天辟地之时 便是如此对待穷♥人♥
The rich have been doing it to the poor since time began.
金字塔和帝国大厦最大的差别 只在于埃及人不允许工会存在
The only difference is the Egyptians didn't allow unions.
我看穿了这种人 贪婪两字
I know what this guy's all about...greed.
He don't care about Bluestar or the unions.
他只想趁机捞一笔 不留活口
He's in for the buck. He don't take prisoners.
爸 你别急
Wait a minute, Dad.
当然 最值得做的事就是赚钱
Sure. What's worth doing is worth doing for money.
赔钱的生意没有人想做 但这笔交易是有钱大家赚
It's a bad bargain if nobody gains. And if we do this deal, everybody gains.
我儿子是在这家航♥空♥公♥司♥做过 3个暑假的行李员和运货工
Course, my son worked as a baggage handler and freight loader for three summers.
以这样的资历而言 他当然可以经营一家航♥空♥公♥司♥
With those qualifications, he can run an airline!
无所谓 若你不想和我们打交道
Fine. Stay with the present management...
尽管去和人♥渣♥管理阶层瞎搅和 直到你们和航♥空♥公♥司♥被整垮
..dedicated to running you and your airline into the ground.
那个人♥渣♥30年前以一架飞机 建立了这家公♥司♥ 从无到有
That scum buiIt the company up with one plane and made something out of nothing.
如果那是人♥渣♥的话 我宁愿跟人♥渣♥ 也不跟鼠辈
If that's a scum, I'll take it over a rat any day.
你们都知道我的立场了 晚安
You know where I stand. Good night, all.
Excuse me.
爸 恭喜你了 你成功地让我大出洋相 你自己就更别提了
Congratulations, Dad! You did a greatjob embarrassing me, not to mention yourself!
你少搬弄"工人站起来"那套 我从小到大已经听多了
Save the "workers unite" speech. I heard it too much growing up!
-是吗 -是 你会被解雇 没有别条路
- Oh, yeah? - You'll get axed. No two ways about it.
You and the whole shitty airline are going down the tubes!
今天若不是盖柯 也会有别人想来动脑筋
And if it isn't Gekko, it's gonna be some other killer!
儿子 他在利用你
He's using you, kid.
他把你死死地掌握住了 但你却盲目到看不出来
He's got your prick in his pocket, but you're too blind to see it.
不 我看到的是一个老机工
No. I see ajealous old machinist...
..who can't stand the fact that his son's more successful than he is!
你看到的这个人 从不以皮夹厚薄来衡量成功
What you see is a guy who never measured a man's success by the size of his wallet!
That's cos u never had the guts to go out into the world and stake ur own claim!
若你是这样觉得 我这个父亲还做得真逊
Boy, if that's the way you feel, I must've done a really lousy job as a father.
就算我被解雇 我人还在
As far as being axed, I'm still around,...
只要我人还在的一天 我就对我代表的工会有责任
..and I have a responsibility to the union membership I represent.
你的责任是对手下据实以报 而不是诉说你个人的主观意见
Your responsibility is to present the facts, not opinions, to your men.
你这样会毁了他们的生活 就让工会的会员自己去决定
You'll destroy their lives. Let them decide for themselves.
若我的人明早来问我怎么回事 我要是说谎就不得好死
My men will want to know what's going on, and I won't lie to them!
对 你的人那些可恶的人
Oh, yeah, your men! Your fuckin' men!
我一生中 你的人都能指望你
All my life your men have been able to count on you!
Why have you never been there for me?!
What if you're wrong?
万一哪天太阳不从东边升起 万一有一次你的指南针不灵了呢
What if one day the sun didn't rise in the east, and for once ur compass's off?
你愿意毁掉自己人的前途吗 我的前途
Would you be willing to wreck your men's future? My future?
爸 换个角度思考 实际一点 我求你 我这是在求你
Dad, think for a change. Be practical. I'm asking you. I'm fuckin' begging you!
我从不拿人手短 也绝不吃人嘴软
I don't go to sleep with no whore and I don't wake up with no whore.
这是我生活的原则 我不知道你是怎么了
That's how I live with myself. I don't know how you do it.
我希望是我误会了这个家伙 不过我会让大伙自己决定
I hope I'm wrong about this guy... but I'll let the men decide for themselves.
That much I promise you.
老大 我想你该看看这个 看来杰史证券有个人
You should look at this, Chief. A guy at Jackson Steinem...
..buying large chunks of Teldar Paper for an offshore account.
So, what's the problema?
-你知道这是怎么回事吗 -什么
- Do you know what the fuck the problem is? - What?
-你不知道 -我不知道
- You don't know? - I don't know.
我接到证管会一通奇怪的电♥话♥ 他们要看我的记录
I get a strange call from the SEC. They asked to see my records.
-巴德 这可是这很严重的 -罗杰 你别紧张
- This is heavy, Bud. - Hey, hey, hey, relax! Relax, Roger.
你的名字没有在我的纪录上 他们追查不到我的
You're 82M in the account numbers and I'm the invisible man.
巴德 这是对你有利
Well, that's good for you, Bud.
证管会总是在找把柄 盖柯也老是被他们调查
They're always looking for red flags. Gekko's always getting checked by 'em.
They never come up with anything, Rog.
Hey... we're invulnerable on this one.
好你听着 我只是想喘口气
I just wanna slow down, Bud.
All right?
别找我吃午饭 别打电♥话♥ 我们暂停生意的往来 好吗
No more lunches, no calls, all right? We suspend our business, all right?
全都依你 罗杰 没事的
Whatever you want, Rog. It's cool.
抱歉 罗杰 能进来开会吗 顺便把成本报告带过来
Excuse me. Hey, Rog, can you come back in? Bring the cost report.
We're starting again.
盖柯要我们研究蓝星的交易 我们在正在评估时间表
Gekko's asked us into the Bluestar deal. We're reviewing timetables.
-你要来吗 -他没跟我说这件事
- You wanna come? - He didn't tell me about that.
你只是航♥空♥公♥司♥的总裁而已 哪里懂什么 对吧
You're only the president of the company. What the hell do you know anyway, right?
-各位 蓝星的新老大 -福巴德
- Guys, new chief of Bluestar - Bud Fox.
-你好 -巴德 你好
- Hi. - Hello, Bud.
各位 还等什么 变卖♥♥的时候到了
Guys, what's the problem? It's time to kill.
盖柯有12%的股票 持续上涨中
Gekko's got 12% of the stock and climbing.
Plus he's got the unions in his back pocket.
大家都会疯狂买♥♥进蓝星 到下星期 人人手上都有蓝星
Everybody knows the stock's in play. By next week the street will own Bluestar.
Is the bank financing in place?
Or are we gonna sit around and have more of these ridiculous meetings?
我们公♥司♥几周前就已承诺 给你们25%的长♥期♥债券融♥资♥
Our firm committed weeks ago 25% of the total long-term debt structure.
Unless you guys sign this piece of paper right now,...

不然我就抽腿 找另一家银行 拿其他的75%
..I'm gonna pull and go to another bank for the 75.
我们有30家银行预备参与 4年期的循环信用贷款
Look, we've got 30 banks ready to participate in a 4-year revolving credit line.
We must have ur assurance u will pay back most of the loan in the 1st 12 months.
我们唯一能做到的方法 就是清算机棚和飞机
The only way we can see this happening is liquidating the hangars and the planes.
Can you people guarantee the liquidation of Bluestar?
担♥保♥ 没问题
Guarantee? No sweat!
毕氏兄弟等着在机棚的位置 兴建一批公♥寓♥
We got the Bleezburgs lined up to build condos where the hangars are.
我们也把飞机推销给墨西哥人 也只有这种呆瓜才会买♥♥
We lay the airplanes off to the Mexicans, who are dumb enough to buy 'em!
德州航♥空♥也有人来求我 要我释出航线以及登机门
And I got the Texas boys drooling at my kneecaps for the routes and slots.
What's your problem? It's done!
这是波音737 登机门 机棚还有航线的价格表
Here's the price tags on the 737s, gates, hangars, routes.
蓝星的每笔资产都标好价了 就连打字机也是
We got it nailed right down to the typewriters.
这一起交易最棒的地方 就是那笔超额筹资的退休基金
The beauty of this deal is the overfunded pension.
Gekko makes $75m there.
50 million buys him the minimum annuities for 6,000 employees,...
剩下的都归他所有 我估算他也能赚上个 1千6百万元
..and he walks away with the rest. I figure he'll make... He'll clear $60-70m.
Not bad for a month's work.
福 你的搭档还真是厉害
Your boy really did his homework, Fox.
你这个总裁做得 比那个被毒死的教宗还短命
And you'll have the shortest executive career since that Pope that got poisoned.
Now he'll really start believing he's Gekko the Great.
-他想更改约定的时间 -拿着
- He'd like to change that appointment. - Hold this.
巴德 你不能进去 他在开会
Bud, you can't go in! He's in a meeting!
Alex has come up with an ingenious way for us to...
I didn't know we had a meeting today, sport.
我也不知道 盖柯 我们得谈谈
I didn't, either. I think we should talk, Gordon.
-各位请先离开一下 -这边走 先生
- Would you excuse us for a second? - Won't you come this way, gentlemen?
谢谢你 艾力克
Thank you, Alex.
What do you want?
I just found out about the garage sale at Bluestar.
Last night I was reading Rudy Winnie-the-Pooh and the Honey Pot.
你也知道结局是如何 他老把鼻子塞进罐子里 结果被卡住了
You know what happened? He stuck his nose in the pot too often and he got stuck.
Maybe you oughta read him Pinocchio.
我原以为你想让蓝星起死回生 而非让它支离破碎
I thought you were gonna turn Bluestar around, not upside down!
-你利用了我 -你这就像是在摸瞎
- You fuckin' used me! - You're walking around blind without a cane.
A fool and his money are lucky to even meet.
-但你为何要毁了这公♥司♥ -因为它有漏洞 可以吗
- Why do you need to wreck this company? - Because it's wreckable, all right?!
我换了个角度想 就变卦了
I took another look. I changed my mind.
If they lose their jobs, they got nowhere to go!
我父亲在那里工作了24年 我向他保证过
My father has worked there for 24 years! I gave him my word!
It's all about bucks, kid.
The rest is conversation.
巴德 你还是总裁 好吗
Buddy, you'll still be president.
当时辰一到 你靠着保障条款 就等着发财吧
When the time comes, you'll parachute out a rich man.
照你所能赚的钱来看 你父亲这辈子都无须再工作
With the money you'll make, your dad's never got to work again.
你告诉我 戈登 这一切何时才会结束
So tell me, Gordon, when does it all end, huh?
你一次能坐几艘游艇滑水 你要赚多少钱才够
How many yachts can you water-ski behind? How much is enough?
这不是够不够的问题 这是场不能平局的游戏
It's not a question of enough, pal. It's a zero-sum game.
Somebody wins, somebody loses.
金钱本身并没有输赢 只是转手了而已
Money itself isn't lost or made, it's simply transferred...
..from one perception to another, like magic.
This painting here. I bought it ten years ago for $60,000.
今天我可以60万卖♥♥出 幻觉变成了真实
I could sell it today for six hundred. The illusion has become real.
而越是真实 他们就越爱
And the more real it becomes, the more desperate they want it.
Capitalism at its finest.
你要赚多少才够 戈登
How much is enough, Gordon?
国内前1%的富翁 拥有这国家一半的财富 5兆
The richest 1% of this country owns half our country's wealth. Five trillion dollars.
1/3是来自于卖♥♥命工作 2/3是来自于继承遗产
One third comes from hard work, two thirds from inheritance,...
在利滚利之下 就连寡妇和白♥痴♥儿子都能发财
..interest on interest accumulating to widows and idiot sons,...
而我是做什么的呢 炒房♥地♥产♥ 投机股票
..and what I do: stock and real-estate speculation.
It's bullshit.
90%的美国大众 不负债就已经很偷笑了
You got 90% of the American public with little or no net worth.
I create nothing.
I own.
规则是我订的 朋友
We make the rules, pal.
新闻 战争 和平 饥荒 动♥乱♥ 回纹针的价格
The news, war, peace, famine, upheaval, the price of a paperclip.
我们由帽中变出兔子 大家却只能坐着纳闷
We pick that rabbit out of the hat while everybody wonders how the hell we did it.
你不会天真到以为 我们是活在民♥主♥国家里吧
You're not naive enough to think we're living in a democracy, are you, Buddy?
这是个自♥由♥市场 而你也置身其中
It's the free market, and you're part of it.
对 你有那种杀手的直觉
Yeah. You got that killer instinct.
别急着走 你要跟我学的还有很多
Stick around, pal. I still got a lot to teach you.
好了 巴德 别这样 我原本就打算告诉你这件事
Oh, Buddy, come on. I was gonna tell you about it.
冷静点 今晚到我家吃个便饭 你带黛玲一起来
Calm down, all right? We'll have dinner tonight. Bring Darien.
不 今晚不行
No, I can't make it tonight.
Hey, Buddy.
Are you with me?
I need to know if you're with me.
I'm with you, Gordon.
-娜塔丽 我马上就好 -是
- Natalie, I'll be right there. - Yes, Mr Gekko.
-谁 -欧里
- Yeah? - Yeah, Ollie.
你告诉他们 我不许蓝星交易的风声外泄
Tell them I want ziplocked mouths on the Bluestar deal,...
..or I'll come down there and rip out their fuckin' throats.
What's going on?
我一路都被人当成猴子耍 由盖柯大帝操刀
I've been played like a grand piano by the master, Gekko the Great.
Today was the big crash,...
..the liquidation sale.
He's gonna carve Bluestar into little pieces and sell it all off.
I'm sorry.
I was afraid something like this could happen.
我竟然还自己双手奉上 我跟我父亲和那些人信誓旦旦
I handed it to him on a silver platter. I told my father...
巴德 这不是你的错
Bud! Bud, it's not your fault.
And it's not your decision.
I'm not gonna let it happen.
你去别招惹戈登 他会让你死无葬身之地
Don't cross Gordon. He'll crush you.
要是戈登不买♥♥蓝星 别人也会
If Gordon doesn't buy Bluestar, someone else will.
Who's to say they won't do the same?
At least I won't be pulling the trigger.
这是何苦呢 你拼了老命才有今天的成就
Why are you doing this? You've worked hard to get where you are.
我们就快接近云霄了 你不会想要抛弃这一切吧
We're so close. You don't wanna throw it all away.
我可以继续待在公♥司♥ 你也做得不错
Look, I can stay with the firm, and you're doing fine.
We can survive without Gordon Gekko.
I'm not looking to just survive.
I've been doing that all my life.
别再自怨自艾了 巴德
Cut this self-pity crap, Bud!
What the hell's that supposed to mean?
意思是若你与戈登为敌 我无法在你身边支持你
It means if you make an enemy of Gordon Gekko, I can't be there to stand by you.
是吗 你是说真的
Oh, yeah? Do you really mean that?
他答应了你什么 让你的公♥司♥上市
What did he promise you? To take you public?
若少了戈登的财力和护航 我就不算是热门投资 对吧
Without his money and seal of approval I'm not such a hot investment any more.
-原来你也是有个价码在 -你也不是那么纯洁 巴德
- You're just the best money can buy, Darien. - You're not exactly pure, Bud.
你一心想找盖柯复仇 却对我也怀着一样的恨意 先看看镜子
You went after Gekko and me with the same vengeance. Look in the mirror.
我有在看 我的确不喜欢我所看见的
I'm looking, and I sure don't like what I see.
这很正常 但没有那么简单
Fair enough. But it's not that simple, Bud.
当我一无所有时 是戈登拉了我一把
When I was down and had nothing, it was Gordon who helped me.
我的客户全是他介绍的 你也是其中一个
He got me all my clients ...you among them ...
and he can take them away from me like that.
You may find out that when you've had money and lost it,...
-曾经富有过的人 比穷一辈子的人还惨 -是吗
- ..it's worse than never having had it at all. - Oh, yeah?
That is bullshit!
你若敢走出那道门 我就换门锁
You step out that door and I am changing the locks!
巴德 或许你不相信 但我真的关心你
You may not believe this, Bud, but I really do care for you.
We would've made a good team.
I'm sorry.
Get the fuck outta here!
房♥地♥产♥市场现在一片萧条 就连有钱人都在哎哎叫
The market is dead right now. Even the rich are bitching.
唯一会动的只剩白蚁和蟑螂了 以我所赚的高佣金
The only thing moving is the termites and cockroaches, and my commission...
废话少说 好吗 快点把这地方卖♥♥掉就是了
Look, save the rap, all right? Just sell the fucker, fast!

他来了 巴德 这两天你去哪了
There he is. Where you been the last two days?
珍奈 打电♥话♥给我父亲 以及另外两名工会代表
Janet, get my father on the phone and...
你母亲打电♥话♥来 你父亲他
Your mom's been calling. Your father's...
-出了什么事 -他心脏病发 但他没事了
- What happened? - He had a heart attack, but he's OK.
-他人在圣约翰医院 -天啊
- He's at St John's. - Oh, Christ!
妈 他还好吗
Mom? How is he?
He was complaining about chest pains at work.
然后就昏倒在地上 你得去和他谈谈
The next thing I know he's collapsed. You gotta talk to him.
放心 你♥爸♥身体硬朗得很 至少还有20年好活
Don't worry, he's a tough old nut. He's got another 20 years.
-他不会有事的 -他醒了吗
- He's gonna be fine, Buddy. - Is he conscious?
爸 你好
Hiya, Dad.
You're looking younger every day.
我不是说过 别自己一个人抬747客机吗
Didn't I tell you never to lift a 747 by yourself?
我受你影响 现在也抽烟了
You even got me smoking now.
爸 这是你第2次心脏病发
It's your second heart attack, Dad.
我希望你知道 这是在玩命
You're pushing your luck. I hope you know that.
I guess I never told you,...
..but I love you, Dad.
I love you so much!
I'm sorry... about the things I said.
You're the only honest man I know.
The best.
I got a plan, Dad. I can save the airline.
你没有理由相信我 但你得信我这一次 好吗
I know you got no reason to believe me, but you have to trust me, OK?
I need to speak to the union members.
Can I speak for you?
我说你的话 不说自己的话
Your words, not mine.

I gotta go.
I'm proud of you.
股价19.25 上涨中
The stock's at 19 1/4, and it's going up.
盖柯认为通过清算蓝星 每股至少能涨到30元
Gekko figures, by breaking up Bluestar, it's 30 bucks a share.
他最高会在23 24买♥♥进 还认为自己在赚钱
He'll buy up to 24 and still think he's making money.
How do you know it'll go up?
我多说了你也不会想知道 姑且就说我有朋友在
You don't wanna know, Duncan. Let's just say I have some friends.
好 那现在呢
OK. What happens now?
当涨到23的时候 你们去将盖柯一军
When it hits 23, you go to Gekko and lower the boom.
等他知道没有工会做后盾 他就会抛光蓝星的股票
When he learns he has no union concessions, he'll jump ship.
没错 但到时谁会去买♥♥
Yeah, but who'll buy then,
and what's to prevent some other shark devouring us?
We have an appointment to see Mr Wildman.
赖瑞爵士 我能叫你赖瑞吗
Sir Lawrence, or can I call you Larry?
你想不想拥有蓝星航♥空♥公♥司♥ 每股18元
What would you say to owning Bluestar Airlines, with union concessions,...
..at $18 a share,...
..and, in the process, hanging Gordon Gekko out in the wind to twist?
I might be very interested. Why you, mate?
What's a bloke like you doing mixed up with Gekko?
姑且说是我和盖柯先生 有严重的利益冲突
Let's just say that me and Mr Gekko have a serious conflict of interest.
But we all wanna see this airline work.
These figures show that it can.
You're prepared to take these large salary cuts?
对 我们会 但我们双方得签署合约
We are, but we want a contract agreement that's ironclad.
你买♥♥下公♥司♥后 不能解散公♥司♥ 转卖♥♥图利
So if you buy it, you can't break it up.
I'm still listening.
我说 你给我滚出我的办公室
Oh, hi. Say, why don't you get the hell out of my office?
马文 我知道我最近很讨人嫌 我是想来道歉的
I know I've been a schmuck lately. I want to apologise.
你最近是很讨人嫌 从此不要再犯罪了
You've been a real schmuck lately. So go thou and sin no more.
I wanna make it up to you.
Bluestar. Put all your clients in it.
好吧 好兄弟
OK, Buddy-Buddy.
We are back in business on Bluestar.
曼先生 要所有客户去买♥♥蓝星 保证会涨
Bluestar, Mr Mannheim. Put all your clients in it. It's gonna move.
我不知道你这情报是哪来的 但我不喜欢
I don't know where you get your information, son, but I don't like it.
巴德 钱最大的魅力就是 让你去做你不想做的事
The main thing about money, Bud... it makes you do things you don't wanna do.
马帝 帮我个忙 让你赚点手续费
Marty, a favour.
在19.5买♥♥进20万股蓝星 你能先用衡平基金进场吗
200,000 shares Bluestar at 19 1/2. Can you position it in an equity fund?
-华尔街记事报在7线 -马帝 你等等
- The Chronicle is on seven. - Hold, Marty.
听着 蓝色马蹄爱蓝星航♥空♥ 懂了吗
Listen, Blue Horseshoe loves Bluestar Airlines. Got it?
-懂了 -好 马帝 你还在吗
- Got it. - Right. Marty, you still there?
有人要炒作蓝星 咱们去查查
Bluestar's in play. Let's check it out.
-卖♥♥价19.25 买♥♥价19.375 -19.375买♥♥1万股 卖♥♥了
- 19 1/4, 3 1/2. 5,000. - 3 1/2 at 10,000.
I do love it so.
戈登 现在价位是21.625
Gordon, I see it at 215 1/2. I don't know what to make of it.
话传开了 朋友 你的工会朋友漏了风声
The word is out, pal! Your union buddies are talking.
You get me in at a 45-degree angle. All the way in.
22元以内 有多少买♥♥多少 之后再联络我
You slash and burn, you buy everything in sight up to 22, then call me.
When I get hold of whoever leaked this,
I'll tear his eyes out and suck his fuckin' skull!
-这支股票一路往上狂飚 -开始脱手
- Stock's going to Pluto. - Start unloading.
-什么你说卖♥♥掉 -全部抛售 快
- What? Sell? - Dump it! Now! Dump it all!
-卢呢 -他就在那边
- Where's Lou? - Right over there.
肯吗 我是杰史证券的马文
Ken? Marvin. Jackson Steinem.
我们要抛光这支股票 趁现在快脱手
Dump this baby. Take the money and run. We're getting out.
It's gotta be a big hitter.
盖柯先生 蓝星航♥空♥有一群人坚持要见您
There's some people from Bluestar demanding to see you.
-他们要干嘛 -我很乐意告诉你
- What the hell do they want? - I'd be happy to tell you.
我们知道你的诡计 你下地狱吧
We know what you're up to, Gekko, and you can go straight to hell!
No way you're gonna break up our airline.
-我还是第一次听到这种说法 -那就麻烦你用白纸黑字写下来
- If that's my plan, it's the first I've heard of it. - Would you put that in writing?
We have an agreement, which I expect you to honour.
-这样的话 那你自己开飞机吧 -你大可放心 引擎不会掉下来
- Then you better have a pilot's licence. - Don't worry, the engines won't fall out.
但我们若没照顾好订位系统 那可就麻烦了
But those reservations can get screwed up if we don't pay attention.
还有该是送往圣彼得堡的行李 搞不好会送到匹兹堡去了
Baggage for St Petersburg could wind up in Pittsburgh.
好吧 有别人想买♥♥你们公♥司♥
Look, somebody else wants to buy your airline.
你们若想让他渔翁得利 那就请便
You wanna be gobbled up by Attila the Hun, you be my guest!
We'll take our chances.
幸会 盖柯
Nice to see you, Gekko!
巴德说蓝星刚涨到23 你要他怎么做
Fox says Bluestarjust hit 23. What do you want him to do?
Sell it all.
-管他的 赚个1千万也好 -卖♥♥掉 对 通通卖♥♥掉
- What the hell. So we only make 10 million. - Sell it. Yes, all of it.
10,000 at 7 1/2!
At 7 1/2, sold!
法兰克 搞什么鬼
Frank, Frank, Frank, Frank, for chrissake!
Goddamn connection!
鲍伯 我是杰史证券的马文 情况不妙 赶紧出场
Bob, we're in big trouble on BST. You gotta get out now.
Another 30,000. Out!
盖柯已摇摇欲坠 想脱手但没那么多人买♥♥ 蓝星股票大幅下挫
Gekko's selling. There's not many takers. The stock is plummeting.
那我要在蓝星狂跌之前 再跟盖柯来回个几轮
I guess I'll have to carry him a few rounds before he drops.
Don't make a big deal of it.
趁着下跌走势 一路少量地买♥♥ 等跌到18就全部买♥♥入
Buy it lightly on the way down. When it hits 18, buy it all.
Piece of cake, Larry.
8,000 at 18.
What is offered at 18?
300,000... 300,000 at 18!
18 for 500,000!
-50万股18元 -买♥♥了
- I'll sell you 50! - I'll take it!
-戈登 一定有办法脱身的 -当然 不如打911试试
- There's gotta be a way outta this. - Sure. Why don't you dial 911?
Fox is on four.
巴德 你死到哪去了 我赔了好几百万
Where the hell are you? I am losing millions.
是你拉我做这航♥空♥公♥司♥的 你最好能让我脱身
You sure as hell better get me out of this,...
否则你只能在华尔街扫地 听到了吗
..or the only job you'll have on this street is sweeping it!
你跟我说过 作股票不能感情用事
You once told me, don't get emotional about stock, Gordon. Don't.
卖♥♥价是16.5 还在跌 身为你的营业员 我建议你认赔出场
The bid is 16 1/2 and going down. As your broker, I advise you to take it.
是吗 你认赔出场吧 你这个狗养的杂碎
Yeah? Well, you take it! Right in the ass, you fuckin' scumbag cocksucker!
离收盘只剩两分钟 戈登 要怎么做呢你自己决定
It's two minutes to close, Gordon. What do you wanna do? Decide.
Dump it.
The big Wall Street story today was Bluestar Airlines.
受到公♥司♥转手谣言的激励 股价一度涨至24.125 创史上新高
Fuelled by takeover rumours, the stock soared to an all-time high of 24 1/8.
When rumours later surfaced that the takeover was unfounded,...

买♥♥方立刻调头 股票直线狂跌 最低至16.5 终场以17元作收
..buyers ran for cover and the stock plummeted to 16 1/2 before closing at 17.
今晚在谣言满天飞之际 又出现一个震撼股市的传闻
Then, amidst all the scuttlebutt, another rumble shook the street.
According to many sources. Raider Sir Lawrence Wildman has stepped in
and bought a substantial block of Bluestar,...
并将于明晚6时 宣布蓝星重整方案 此举已获得工会的支持
..and will announce a deal tomorrow that includes the support of the unions.
We talked with a leading stock market analyst,...
..in order to understand the ramifications...
Son of a bitch!
笑一笑 卡洛琳 世上还是有正义
Smile, Carolyn. There's justice in the world.
Good morning, folks.
Did somebody die?
早啊 查克 早啊 卢
Morning, Chuckie. Morning, Lou.
Bud, I like you.
Just remember something.
Man looks in the abyss.
There's nothing staring back at him.
At that moment, man finds his character.
And that is what keeps him out of the abyss.
I think I understand.
珍奈 打通电♥话♥给我父亲
Janet, get my father, will you?
他刚进公♥司♥ 我再打给你
He just came in. I'll call you back.
I guess you're not here to open an lRA.
我是邮务检查处的亨利 美国检察官办公室的哈先生
Henry Patterson, Postal lnspection Service. Mr Ebenhopper, US Attorney's office.
Evan Morrissey, Securities and Exchange Enforcement office.
你被逮捕了 福先生 罪名是涉嫌背信
You're under arrest for conspiracy to commit securities fraud,...
..and for violating the lnsider Traders Sanction Act.
The minute I laid eyes on you, I knew you were no good.
你有权保持缄默 并拒绝回答问题
You have the right to remain silent and refuse to answer questions.
Anything you do say may be used against you.
You have the right to consult an attorney...
..and to have an attorney present during any questioning.
再见了 卡洛琳
So long, Carolyn.
巴德 你好吗
Hiya, Buddy.
Sandbagged me on Bluestar, huh?
你自以为能替老师上一课 你想要反客为主
I guess you think you taught the teacher a lesson, that the tail can wag the dog, huh?
Well, let me clue you in, pal.
The ice is melting right underneath your feet.
要不是我 你能那么快就窜起
You think you could have gotten this far this fast with anybody else?
要不是我 你能追上像黛玲那种人
And dickin' someone like Darien?

你只能打胡乱电♥话♥碰运气骗寡妇和牙医 买♥♥个20股稳赔的股票
You'd be cold-calling widows and dentists to buy fuckin' dogshit stock!
I took you in!
A nobody!
I opened doors for you.
教会你这一行的运作方法 如何取得有价值的情报
I showed you how the system works, the value of information, how to get it!
富汉石油 布蓝特资源 大地力学
Fulham Oil, Brant Resources, Geodynamics!
And this is how you fuckin' pay me back, you cockroach!
I gave you Darien!
我给你男子气概 我给你一切
I gave you your manhood! I gave you everything!
You coulda been one of the great ones, Buddy.
我看着你 如同看到我自己
I look at you... and I see myself.
I don't know.
I guess I realised that...
..I'm just Bud Fox.
As much as I wanted to be Gordon Gekko...
..I'll always be Bud Fox.
教会你这一行的运作方法 如何取得有价值的情报
I showed you how the system works, the value of information, how to get it!
富汉石油 布蓝特资源
Fulham Oil, Brant Resources...
巴德 你这么做是对的
You did the right thing, Bud.
你全盘拖出 把钱还了回去
You told the truth and gave the money back.
在这个可笑的世界当中 你算是正好及格
All things considered in this cockamamie world, you're shooting par.
你帮忙挽救了航♥空♥公♥司♥ 他们会永远记得你
You helped save the airline, and they'll remember you for it.
若我是你 就会考虑怀曼先生 替你在蓝星安排的职位
That's right. Think about the job at Bluestar that Wildman offered you.
爸 你也知道我就要去坐牢了
Dad, I'm going to jail and you know it.
孩子 或许这就是代价
Yeah, well... maybe that's the price, son.
可以肯定的是 你在里头一定不好过
It's gonna be hard on you,...that's for sure.
..but maybe in a kind of screwed-up way
it's the best thing that coulda happened to you.
别再一心只想着赚容易钱 去做些事情让自己不枉此生
Stop going for the easy buck and produce something with your life.
自己去创造些什么 而不是靠别人吃饭
Create, instead of living off the buying and selling of others.
我们先去停车 再过去找你
We'll park the car and catch up with you.

All right.






