

来源:金玉米 编辑:红酒 时间:2024-08-28


       1) Let s Make Love by Matthew Andrews (novelization of the movie)
        2) How To Travel Incognito by Ludwig Bemelmans
        3) To The One I Love Best by Ludwig Bemelmans
        4) Thurber Country by James Thurber
        5) The Fall by Albert Camus
        6) Marilyn Monroe by George Carpozi
        7) Camille by Alexander Dumas
        8) Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison
        9) The Boston Cooking-School Cook Book by Fannie Merritt-Farmer
        10) The Great Gatsby by F Scott Fitzgerald
        11) From Russia With Love by Ian Fleming
        12) The Art Of Loving by Erich Fromm
        13) The Prophet by Kahlil Gilbran
        14) Ulysses by James Joyce
        15) Stoned Like A Statue: A Complete Survey Of Drinking Cliches, Primitive, Classical & Modern by Howard Kandel & Don Safran, with an intro by Dean Martin (a man who knew how to drink!)
        16) The Last Temptation Of Christ by Nikos Kazantzakis
        17) On The Road by Jack Kerouac
        18) Selected Poems by DH Lawrence
        19 and 20) Sons And Lovers by DH Lawrence (2 editions)
        21) The Portable DH Lawrence
        22) Etruscan Places (DH Lawrence?)
        23) DH Lawrence: A Basic Study Of His Ideas by Mary Freeman
        24) The Assistant by Bernard Malamud
        25) The Magic Barrel by Bernard Malamud
        26) Death In Venice & Seven Other Stories by Thomas Mann
        27) Last Essays by Thomas Mann
        28) The Thomas Mann Reader
        29) Hawaii by James Michener
        30) Red Roses For Me by Sean O Casey
        31) I Knock At The Door by Sean O Casey
        32) Selected Plays by Sean O Casey
        33) The Green Crow by Sean O Casey
        34) Golden Boy by Clifford Odets
        35) Clash By Night by Clifford Odets
        36) The Country Girl by Clifford Odets
        37) 6 Plays Of Clifford Odets
        38) The Cat With 2 Faces by Gordon Young
        39) Long Day s Journey Into Night by Eugene O Neill
        40) Part Of A Long Story: Eugene O Neill As A Young Man In Love by Agnes Boulton
        41) The Little Engine That Could by Piper Watty (with childish pencil scrawls at end, possibly MM s)
        42) The New Joy Of Cooking by Irma S. Rombauer & Marion Rombauer-Becker (with some cut recipes, page markers, a typed diet sheet and manuscript shopping list, apparently in MM s hand, laid in)
        43) Selected Plays Of George Bernard Shaw
        44) Ellen Terry And Bernard Shaw A Correspondence
        45) Bernard Shaw & Mrs Patrick Campbell Their Correspondence
        46) The Short Reigh Of Pippin IV by John Steinbeck
        47) Once There Was A War by John Steinbeck
        48) Set This House On Fire by William Styron
        49) Lie Down In Darkness (William Styron?)
        50) The Roman Spring Of Mrs Stone by Tennessee Williams
        51) Camino Real by Tennessee Williams
        52) A Streetcar Named Desire by Tennessee Williams (with notes by MM)
        53) The Flower In Drama And Glamour by Stark Young (inscribed to MM by Lee Strasberg, Christmas 1955)

        54) Tender Is The Night by F. Scott Fitzgerald
        55) The Story Of A Novel by Thomas Wolfe
        56) Look Homeward Angel by Thomas Wolfe
        57) A Stone, A Leaf, A Door (Thomas Wolfe?)
        58) Thomas Wolfe s Letters To His Mother, ed. John Skally Terry
        59) A Farewell To Arms by Ernest Hemingway
        60) The Sun Also Rises by Ernest Hemingway
        61) Winesburg, Ohio by Sherwood Anderson
        62) Sister Carrie by Theodore Dreiser
        63) Tortilla Flat by John Steinbeck
        64) The American Claimant & Other Stories & Sketches by Mark Twain
        65) In Defense of Harriet Shelley & Other Essays (Mark Twain?)
        66) The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain
        67) Roughing It (Mark Twain?)
        68) The Magic Christian by Terry Southern
        69) A Death In The Family by James Agee
        70) The War Lover by John Hersey
        71) Don t Call Me By My Right Name & Other Stories by James Purdy
        72) Malcolm by James Purdy

        73) The Portable Irish Reader (pub. Viking)
        74) The Portable Poe Edgar Allen Poe
        75) The Portable Walt Whitman
        76) This Week s Short Stories (New York, 1953)
        77) Bedside Book Of Famous Short Stories
        78) Short Novels Of Colette
        79) Short Story Masterpieces (New York, 1960)
        80) The Passionate Playgoer by George Oppenheimer
        81) Fancies And Goodnights by John Collier
        82) Evergreen Review, Vol 2, No. 6
        83) The Medal & Other Stories by Luigi Pirandello
        84) Max Weber (art book inscribed to MM by Sam Shaw?)
        85) Renoir by Albert Skira
        86) Max by Giovannetti Pericle
        87) The Family Of Man by Carl Sandburg
        88-90) Horizon, A Magazine Of The Arts (Nov 1959, Jan 1960, Mar 1960.)
        91) Jean Dubuffet by Daniel Cordier
        92) The Summing Up by W. Somerset Maugham
        93) Close To Colette by Maurice Goudeket
        94) This Demi-Paradise by Margaret Halsey
        95) God Protect Me From My Friends by Gavin Maxwell
        96) Minister Of Death: The Adolf Eichmann Story by Quentin Reynolds, Ephraim Katz and Zwy Aldouby
        97) Dance To The Piper by Agnes DeMille
        98) Goodness Had Nothing To Do With It by Mae West
        99) Act One by Moss Hart
        100) Science And Health With Key To The Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy
        101) Poems, Including Christ And Christmas by Mary Baker Eddy
        102) 2 Plays: Peace And Lysistrata by Aristophanes
        103) Of The Nature Of Things by Lucretius
        104) The Philosophy Of Plato
        105) Mythology by Edith Hamilton
        106) Theory Of Poetry And Fine Art by Aristotle
        107) Metaphysics by Aristotle
        108-111) Plutarch s Lives, Vols 3-6 only (of 6) by William and John Langhorne
        112) Bound For Glory by Woody Guthrie
        113) The Support Of The Mysteries by Paul Breslow
        114) Paris Blues by Harold Flender
        115) The Shook-Up Generation by Harrison E. Salisbury
        116) An Mands Ansigt by Arthur Miller
        117) Independent People by Halldor Laxness
        118) Mujer by Lina Rolan (inscribed to MM by author)
        119) The Havamal, ed. D.E. Martin Clarke
        120) Yuan Mei: 18th Century Chinese Poet by Arthur Waley
        121) Almanach: Das 73 Jahr by S. Fischer Verlag
        122) Madame Bovary by Gustave Flaubert
        123) The Works Of Rabelais
        124) The Guermantes Way by Marcel Proust
        125) Cities Of The Plain by Marcel Proust
        126) Within A Budding Grove by Marcel Proust
        127) The Sweet Cheat Gone by Marcel Proust
        128) The Captive by Marcel Proust
        129) Nana by Emile Zola
        130) Plays by Moliere
        131) The Life And Work of Sigmund Freud by Ernest Jones
        132) Letters Of Sigmund Freud, ed. Ernest L. Freud
        133) Glory Reflected by Martin Freud
        134) Moses And Monotheism by Sigmund Freud
        135) Conditioned Reflex Therapy by Andrew Salter
        136-137) The Wise Garden Encyclopedia, ed. E.L.D. Seymour (2 editions)
        138) Landscaping Your Own Home by Alice Dustan
        139) Outpost Nurseries publicity brochure
        140) The Forest And The Sea by Marston Bates
        141) Pet Turtles by Julien Bronson
        142) A Book About Bees by Edwin Way Teale
        143) Codfish, Cats & Civilisation by Gary Webster
        144) How To Do It, Or, The Art Of Lively Entertaining by Elsa Maxwell
        145) Wake Up, Stupid by Mark Harris
        146) Merry Christmas, Happy New Year by Phyllis McGinley
        147) The Hero Maker by Akbar Del Piombo & Norman Rubington
        148) How To Talk At Gin by Ernie Kovacs
        149) VIP Tosses A Party, by Virgil Partch
        150) Who Blowed Up The House & Other Ozark Folk Tales, ed. Randolph Vance
        151) Snobs by Russell Lynes
        152) The Form of Daily Prayers
        153) Sephath Emeth (Speech Of Truth): Order Of Prayers For The Wholes Year In Jewish and English
        154) The Holy Scriptures According To The Masoretic Text (inscribed to MM by Paula Strasberg, July 1, 1956)
        155) The Law by Roger Vailland
        156) The Building by Peter Martin
        157) The Mermaids by Boros
        158) They Came To Cordura by Glendon Swarthout
        159) The 7th Cross by Anna Seghers
        160) A European Education by Romain Gary
        161) Strike For A Kingdom by Menna Gallie
        162) The Slide Area by Gavin Lambert
        163) The Woman Who Was Poor by Leon Bloy
        164) Green Mansions by W.H. Hudson
        165) The Contenders by John Wain
        166) The Best Of All Worlds, Or, What Voltaire Never Knew by Hans Jorgen Lembourn (is this the same guy who later wrote 40 Days With Marilyn ?)
        167) The Story Of Esther Costello by Nicholas Montsarrat
        168) Oh Careless Love by Maurice Zolotow (MM biographer)
        169) Add A Dash Of Pity by Peter Ustinov
        170) An American Tragedy by Theodore Dreiser (filmed as A Place In The Sun MM admired Elizabeth Taylor s performance)
        171) The Mark Of The Warrior by Paul Scott
        172) The Dancing Bear by Edzard Schaper
        173) Miracle In The Rain by Ben Hecht (co-author of MM s autobiography)
        174) The Guide by R.K. Narayan
        175) Blow Up A Storm by Garson Kanin (later wrote screenplay Moviola , featurning an MM-based character)
        176) Jonathan by Russell O Neill
        177) Fowlers End by Gerald Kersh
        178) Hurricane Season by Ralph Winnett
        179) The un-Americans by Alvah Bessie (later wrote The Symbol, a novel loosely based on MM s life)
        180) The Devil s Advocate by Morris L. West
        181) On Such A Night by Anthony Quayle
        182) Say You Never Saw Me by Arthur Nesbitt
        183) All The Naked Heroes by Alan Kapener
        184) Jeremy Todd by Hamilton Maule
        185) Miss America by Daniel Stren
        186) Fever In The Blood by William Pearson
        187) Spartacus by Howard Fast
        188) Venetian Red by L.M. Pasinetti
        189) A Cup Of Tea For Mr Thorgill by Storm Jameson
        190) Six O Clock Casual by Henry W. Cune
        191) Mischief by Charlotte Armstrong (the movie Don t Bother To Knock was based on this novel)
        192) The Gingko Tree by Sheelagh Burns
        193) The Mountain Road by Theodore H. White
        194) Three Circles Of Light by Pietro Di Donato
        195) The Day The Money Stopped by Brendan Gill
        196) The Carpetbaggers by Harold Robbins (Hollywood-set bestseller, featuring a Jean Harlow-based character, Rina Marlowe. Marilyn s secretary, Margerie Stengel, recalls that Marilyn was reading a Robbins novel in her New York apartment in 1961.)
        197-198) Justine by Lawrence Durrell (2 editions, possibly read during filming of The Misfits)
        199) Balthazar by Lawrence Durrell
        200) Brighton Rock by Graham Greene
        201) The Secret Agent by Joseph Conrad
        202) The Unnamable by Samuel Beckett
        203) Portrait Of The Artist As A Young Dog by Dylan Thomas (Marilyn met Thomas in Shelley Winters apartment circa 1951)
        204) Hear Us O Lord From Heaven Thy Dwelling Place, by Malcolm Lowry
        205) The Sound And The Fury/As I Lay Dying, by William Faulkner
        206) God s Little Acre by Erskine Caldwell
        207) Anna Christie/The Emperor Jones/The Hairy Ape by Eugene O Neill (Marilyn played Anna in a scene performed at the Actor s Studio in 1956)
        208) The Philosophy Of Schopenhauer by Irwin Edman
        209) The Philosophy Of Spinoza by Joseph Ratner
        210) The Dubliners by James Joyce
        211) Selected Poems by Emily Dickinson
        212) The Collected Short Stories by Dorothy Parker (Friend of Marilyn s, lived nearby her Doheny Drive apartment in 1961)
        213) Selected Works by Alexander Pope
        214) The Red And The Black by Stendhal
        215) The Life Of Michelangelo by John Addington
        216) Of Human Bondage by W. Somerset Maugham (Niagara director Henry Hathaway wanted to film this with MM and James Dean. It was eventually made with Kim Novak and Laurence Harvey.)
        217) Three Famous French Romances (W. Somerset Maugham?)
        218) Napoleon by Emil Ludwig
        219) Madame Bovary by Gustave Flaubert (a second copy?)
        220) The Poems And Fairy-Tales by Oscar Wilde
        221) Alice s Adventures In Wonderland/Through The Looking Glass/The Hunting Of The Snark, by Lewis Carroll
        222) A High Wind In Jamaica by Richard Hughes
        223) An Anthology Of American Negro Literature, ed. Sylvestre C. Watkins
        224) Beethoven: His Spiritual Development by J.W.N. Sullivan
        225) Music For The Millions by David Ewen
        226) Schubert by Ralph Bates
        227) Men Of Music by Wallace Brockaway and Herbert Weinstock
        228) The Potting Shed by Graham Greene
        229) Politics In The American Drama by Caspar Nannes
        230) Sons Of Men by Herschel Steinhardt
        231) Born Yesterday by Garson Kanin (MM auditioned for the movie, but Judy Holliday got the part)
        232) Untitled & Other Radio Drams by Norman Corwin
        233) Thirteen By Corwin, by Norman Corwin
        234) More By Corwin, by Norman Corwin
        235) Long Day s Journey Into Night by Eugene O Neill (a second copy)
        236) Best American Plays: Third Series, 1945-1951
        237) Theatre 52 by John Chapman
        238) 16 Famous European Plays, by Bennett Cerf and Van H. Cartmell
        239) The Complete Plays Of Henry James
        240) 20 Best Plays Of The Modern American Theatre, by John Glassner
        241) Elizabethan Plays by Hazelton Spencer
        242) Critics Choice by Jack Gaver
        243) Modern American Dramas by Harlan Hatcher
        244) The Album Of The Cambridge Garrick Club
        245) A Shropshire Lad by A.E. Houseman
        246) The Poetry & Prose Of Heinrich Heine by Frederich Ewen
        247) The Poetical works Of John Milton, by H.C. Beeching
        248) The Poetical Works Of Robert Browning (H.C. Beeching?)
        249) Wordsworth by Richard Wilbur
        250) The Poetical Works Of Shelley (Richard Wilbur?)
        251) The Portable Blake, by William Blake
        252) William Shakespeare: Sonnets, ed. Mary Jane Gorton
        253) Poems Of Robert Burns, ed. Henry Meikle & William Beattie
        254) The Penguin Book Of English Verse, ed. John Hayward
        255) Aragon: Poet Of The French Resistance, by Hannah Josephson & Malcolm Cowley
        256) Star Crossed by Margaret Tilden
        257 and 258) Collected Sonnets by Edna St Vincent Millay (2 editions)
        259) Robert Frost s Poems by Louis Untermeyer (Marilyn befriended Untermeyer during her marriage to Arthur)
        260) Poe: Complete Poems by Richard Wilbur (a 2nd copy?)
        261) The Life And Times Of Archy And Mehitabel by Don Marquis
        262) The Pocketbook Of Modern Verse by Oscar Williams
        263) Poems by John Tagliabue
        264) Selected Poems by Rafael Alberti
        265) Selected Poetry by Robinson Jeffers
        266) The American Puritans: Their Prose & Poetry, by Perry Miller
        267) Selected Poems by Rainer Maria Rilke
        268) Poet In New York by Federico Garcia Lorca
        269) The Vapor Trail by Ivan Lawrence Becker (inscribed to Arthur by the author, there is also a note to MM)
        270) Love Poems & Love Letters For All The Year
        271) 100 Modern Poems, ed. Selden Rodman
        272) The Sweeniad, by Myra Buttle
        273) Poetry: A Magazine Of Verse, Vol.70, no. 6
        274) The Wall Between by Anne Braden
        275) The Roots Of American Communism by Theodore Draper
        276) A View Of The Nation An Anthology : 1955-1959, ed. Henry Christian
        277) A Socialist s Faith by Norman Thomas
        278-279) Rededication To Freedom by Benjamin Ginzburg (2 copies)
        280) The Ignorant Armies by E.M. Halliday
        281) Commonwealth Vs Sacco & Vanzetti, by Robert P. Weeks
        282) Journey To The Beginning by Edgar Snow
        283) Das Kapital by Karl Marx
        284) Lidice by Eleanor Wheeler
        285) The Study Of History by Arnold Toynbee
        286) America The Invincible by Emmet John Hughes
        287) The Unfinished Country by Max Lerner
        288) Red Mirage by John O Kearney
        289) Background & Foreground The New York Times Magazine: An Anthology, ed. Lester Markel (a friend of MM)
        290) The Failure Of Success by Esther Milner
        291) A Piece Of My Mind by Edmund Wilson
        292) The Truth About The Munich Crisis by Viscount Maugham
        293) The Alienation Of Modern Man by Fritz Pappenheim
        294) A Train Of Powder by Rebecca West
        295) Report From Palermo by Danilo Dolci
        296) The Devil In Massachusetts by Marion Starkey
        297) American Rights: The Constitution In Action, by Walter Gellhorn
        298) Night by Francis Pollini
        299) The Right Of The People by William Douglas
        300) The Jury Is Still Out by Irwin Davidson and Richard Gehman
        301) First Degree by William Kunstler
        302) Democracy In America by Alexis De Tocqueville
        303) World Underworld by Andrew Varna
        304) Catechism For Young Children (1936, so may be from Norma Jeane s childhood)
        305) Prayer Changes Things (1952, inscribed to MM perhaps from Jane Russell?)
        306) The Prophet by Kahlil Bibran (a second copy?)
        307) The Magic Word L.I.D.G.T.T.F.T.A.T.I.M. by Robert Collier
        308) The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran (a third copy?)
        309) His Brother s Keeper by Milton Gross (3-page extract from Readers Digest, Dec 1961)
        310) Christliches ergissmeinnicht by K. Ehmann
        311) And It Was Told Of A Certain Potter by Walter C. Lanyon (1922, so may be from childhood. Several newspaper poems and prayers tipped in.)
        312) Bahai Prayers (inscribed to MM, Marilyn Monroe Maybeline. A gift for my darling Maybeline, with all my love, Charlzetta dated 1961.)
        313) Man Against Himself by Karl A. Menninger
        314) The Tower And The Abyss by Erich Kahler
        315) Something To Live By, by Dorothea S. Kopplin
        316) Man s Supreme Inheritance by Alexander F. Matthias
        317) The Miracles Of Your Mind by Joseph Murphy
        318) The Wisdom Of The Sands by Antoine de Saint-Exupery
        319) A Prison, A Paradise by Loran Hurnscot
        320) The Magic Of Believing by Claude M. Bristol
        321) Peace Of Mind by Joshua Loth Liebman
        322) The Use Of The Self by Alexander F. Matthias
        323) The Power Within You by Claude M. Bristol
        324) The Call Girl by Harold Greenwald
        325) Troubled Women by Lucy Freeman (who later wrote Why Norma Jean Killed Marilyn Monroe )
        326) Relax And Live by Joseph A. Kennedy
        327) Forever Young, Forever Healthy by Indra Devi
        328) The Open Self by Charles Morris
        329) Hypnotism Today by Leslie Lecron & Jean Bordeaux
        330) The Masks Of God: Primitive Mythology, by Joseph Campbell
        331) Some Characteristics Of Today by Rudolph Steiner
        332) Baby & Child Care by Dr Benjamin Spock (pub. 1958)
        333) Flower Arranging For Fun by Hazel Peckinpaugh Dunlop
        334) Hugo s Pocket Dictionary: French-English And English-French
        335) Spoken French For Travellers And Tourists, by Charles Kany & Mathurin Dondo
        336) Roget s Pocket Thesaurus, by C.O. Mawson & K.A. Whiting
        337) What Is A Jew? by Morris Kertzer
        338) A Partisan Guide To The Jewish Problem, by Milton Steinberg
        339) The Tales Of Rabbi Nachman, by Martin Buber
        340) The Saviours Of God: Spiritual Exercises, by Nikos Kazantzakis
        341) The Prophet by Kahlil Gilbran (4th copy?)
        342) The Dead Sea Scrolls by Millar Burrows
        343) The Secret Books Of The Egyptian Gnostics, by Jean Doresse
        344) Jesus by Kahlil Gilbran
        345) Memories Of A Catholic Girlhood, by Mary McCarthy
        346) Why I Am Not A Christian, by Bertrand Russell
        347) Redemption & Other Plays by Leo Tolstoy
        348) The Viking Library Portable Anton Chekhov
        349) The House Of The Dead, by Fyodor Dostoevsky
        350) Crime And Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky
        351) Best Russian Stories: An Anthology, ed. Thomas Seltzer
        352) The Plays Of Anton Chekhov
        353) Smoke by Ivan Turgenev
        354) The Poems, Prose & Plays Of Alexander Pushkin
        355) The Brothers Karamazov by Fyodor Dostoevsky (not in the Christies catalogue. But friends of MM recall her reading it as a young actress, and she had hopes of playing Grushenka. Her own remarks in interviews make it clear that she had read the novel.)
        356) Our Knowledge Of The External World, by Bertrand Russell
        357) Common Sense And Nuclear Warfare, by Bertrand Russell
        358) Out Of My Later Years by Albert Einstein
        359) Men And Atoms by William Laurence
        360) Man Alive by Daniel Colin Munro (inscribed to Renna Campbell from Lorraine?)
        361) Doctor Pygmalion by Maxwell Maltz
        362) Panorama: A New Review, ed. R.F. Tannenbaum
        363) Everyman s Search by Rebecca Beard
        364) Of Stars And Men by Harlow Shapley
        365) From Hiroshima To The Moon, by Daniel Lang
        366) The Open Mind by J. Robert Oppenheimer
        367) Sexual Impotence In The Male, by Leonard Paul Wershub
        368) Medea by Jeffers Robinson
        369) Antigone by Jean Anouilh
        370) Bell, Book And Candle by John Van Druten
        371) The Women by Clare Boothe
        372) Jean Of Lorraine by Maxwell Anderson
        373) The Sawbwa And His Secretary by C.Y. Lee
        374) The Twain Shall Meet by Christopher Rand
        375) Kingdom Of The Rocks by Consuelo De Saint-Exupery
        376) The Heart Of India by Alexander Campbell
        377) Man-Eaters Of India by Jim Corbett
        378) Jungle Lore by Jim Corbett
        379) My India by Jim Corbett
        380) A Time In Rome by Elizabeth Bowen
        381) London by Jacques Boussard
        382) New York State Vacationlands
        383) Russian Journey by William O. Douglas
        384) The Golden Bough by James G. Frazer
        385) The Portable Dorothy Parker
        386) My Antonia by Willa Cather
        387) Lucy Gayheart by Willa Cather
        388) The Ballad Of The Sad Cafe by Carson McCullers (befriended Marilyn when she first moved to New York)
        389) The Short Novels Of Colette (A second copy?)
        390) The Little Disturbances Of Man by Grace Paley
        391) The Autobiography Of Lincoln Steffens (read during The Fireball)
        392-403) Carl Sandburg s 12-volume biography of Abraham Lincoln
        404) The Little Prince by Antoine De Saint-Exupery (Marilyn gave a copy to Joe after their wedding)
        405) Poems Of W.B. Yeats (Marilyn read his poems aloud at Norman Rosten s house)
        406) Mr Roberts by Joyce Cary
        407) The Thinking Body by Mabel Elsworth Todd
        408) The Actor Prepares by Konstantin Stanislavsky
        409) The Bible
        410) The Biography Of Eleanora Duse, by William Weaver
        411) De Humani Corporis Fabrica (Study Of Human Bone Structure) by Andreas Vesalius
        412) Essays by Ralph Waldo Emerson
        413) Gertrude Lawrence As Mrs A, by Richard Aldrich


        414) Goodnight Sweet Prince by Gene Fowler
        415) Greek Mythology by Edith Hamilton
        416) How Stanislavsky Directs by Mikhail Gorchakov (posted earlier by Felicia)
        417) I Married Adventure by Olso Johnson
        418) The Importance Of Living by Lin Yutang
        419) Letters To A Young Poet by Rainer Maria Rilke (read during All About Eve)
        420) Psychology Of Everyday Life by Sigmund Freud
        421) The Rains Came by Louis Broomfield
        422) The Rights Of Man by Thomas Paine (read during some Like It Hot)
        423) Swann s Way by Marcel Proust
        424) To The Actor by Michael Chekhov (Marilyn s acting teacher from 1950-1955)
        425) Captain Newman, M.D. (Novel based on Dr Ralph Greenson s as an army doctor in Korea. Marilyn was said to be reading this on the week of her death.A film based on the book was released in 1963.)
        426) Songs For Patricia by Norman Rosten (posted by Paju)
        427) A Lost Lady by Willa Cather (Marilyn hoped to film this with her production company. But an earlier adaptation was so disappointing to the author, that she withdrew the film rights.)
        428) Lust For Life by Irving Stone
        429) The Deer Park by Norman Mailer (Hollywood-based novel. Marilyn commented on the book, He s too impressed by power, in my opinion. Mailer tried unsuccessfully to meet Marilyn, and after her death wrote several books on her.)
        430) The Rebel by Albert Camus





