

来源:金玉米 编辑:admin 时间:2023-07-15


A thatched cottage at Stoke in Hampshire. Credit Anguskirk

Thatched cottage in the village of Longstock in Hampshire. Credit Anguskirk

A Thatched Cottage at Crawley near Winchester, Hampshire. Credit Neil Howard

Thatched cottage in Wiltshire. Credit JohnPickenPhoto
  汉普郡是英国第三大“郡”县。 它有两个国家公园:新森林和南方丘陵。

A thatched cottage in Nether Wallop, Hampshire. Credit Anguskirk

A pretty thatched cottage above the village of Pitton in Wiltshire. Credit Anguskirk
   他的两个儿子死在森林里,包括他的继承人King William II(William Rufus),他在神秘的环境中被箭射中。据当地民间传说,这是“上帝的行为”,因为他对该地区居民的虐待行为受到惩罚。
   你可以去拜访国王倒下的地方,叫 Rufus Stone。碑文上写着:
   这是一棵橡树,上面插着沃尔特·泰瑞尔爵士(Sir Walter Tyrrell)射死一只雄鹿的箭,在1100年8月的第二天,国王威廉·雷弗斯二世(William Rufus)看见了它,立即倒下死去了。

Thatched Cottage, Dorchester, Dorset

Cottage in Winchester Road, Wherwell, Hampshire. Credit Anguskirk

A thatched cottage in Nether Wallop, Hampshire. Credit Anguskirk
   汉普郡也因其他原因而闻名。 简·奥斯汀(Jane Austen)和查尔斯·狄更斯(Charles Dickens)都是在这里长大的,工业革命最着名的人物之一 - 伊桑巴德王国布鲁内尔(Isambard Kingdom Brunel)。

Thatched cottage in Wiltshire. Credit JohnPickenPhoto

A thatched cottage at Wherwell in Hampshire. Credit Neil Howard
   威尔特郡的巨石阵,中世纪的索尔兹伯里大教堂,Longleat 和 Stourhead 的乡间别墅为居民和游客提供了很多东西。

Thatched Cottage in Chipping Campden, The Cotswolds, Gloucestershire. Credit p&p

Cottage at West Lulworth, Dorset. Credit Anguskirk

Beautiful cottages at Haxton in Wiltshire. Credit Anguskirk

Thatched Cottage, Dorchester, Dorset

Gold Hill, Shatesbury, Dorset. Credit Louis du Mont

Thatched Cottages in Gloucester

The counties of Hampshire, Wiltshire, Dorset, and Gloucestershire




