
林忆莲,齐豫,刘美君,杜莉萨《I Swear》

来源:金玉米 编辑:红酒 时间:2018-10-31

I Swear


词曲:Frank Joseph Myers、Gary Baker


I swear

I swear by the moon and the stars in the sky

And I swear like the shadow that's by your side

I see the questions in your eyes

I know what's weighing on your mind

You can be sure I know my heart

Coz I'll stand beside you through the years

You'll only cry those happy tears

And though I make mistakes

I'll never break your heart

And I swear by the moon and the stars in the sky

I'll be there

I swear like a shadow that's by your side

I'll be there

For better or worse, till death do us part

I'll love you with every beat of my heart

And I swear

I'll give you every thing I can

I'll build your dreams with these two hands

We'll hang some memories on the walls

And when just the two of us are there

You won't have to ask if I still care

Coz as the time turns the page, my love won't age at all

And I swear by the moon and the stars in the sky

I swear(and I swear) like the shadow that's by your side

I'll be there

For better or worse, till death do us part

I'll love you with every beat of my heart

And I swear

I swear( I swear) by the moon and stars in the sky

I'll be there

I swear like the shadow that's by your side

I'll be there

For better or worse, till death do us part

I'll love you with every(single) beat of my heart

I swear, iswear,oh... i...swear.

原唱是美国乡村音乐男歌手、音乐人John Michael Montgomery。歌曲讲述的是男孩向女孩发誓,会一生一世相守,就像天上的星星和月亮每夜都会一同挂在天空。

歌曲前奏就很吸引人,让人忍不住想听下去,整首歌都飘散着温柔、浪漫和深情的音符,让人深深着迷。《I Swear》本身已经表达了一种执着勇敢的爱情——这种爱情我很自然的以让我深深感动的赤名莉香作为注释,而这四个中国女子的携手演绎,让我面对女人如潮的爱情,忘记了逃跑,慢慢的沉沦,被淹没。四位女唱将因缘际会的联袂表现精彩绝伦,以如虹的气势横扫千军,勇夺当年台湾英文唱片销量冠军的宝座,一时传为美谈。





