

来源:金玉米 编辑:admin 时间:2019-10-16

 Twinkle, twinkle, little star,  一闪,一闪,的小星星


How I wonder what you are. 我真想知道你到底是什么

See my daddy he looks so cool 看我老爸多帅

Life with papa likes magic book 跟爸爸一起的日子就像一本魔法书

Lovely father cooks tasty food 亲爱的爸爸烧的一手好菜

Teaching me everything to do 还能教我做好多事

Baby as you come ,my life becomes full 宝宝你来了之后我的人生变得无比充实

You make me alright when I'm feeling blue当我心情不好的时候只要看到你就又开心起来

Connecting our home in a loving loop 是你连接起我们家爱的桥梁

Everything we are going through  有了你我们就能战胜一切困难

Papa, papa, when shall we travel far? 爸爸,爸爸,我们什么时候出去旅游啊

Taking my telescope to see the star 带着我的望远镜去看星星

Baby, baby, taking the map you drew 宝宝,宝宝,带着你画的那个地图

Follow me do as I do 跟我来,照我的样子做.


I must be so strong to be your papa  当你的爸爸一定要坚强

I learn to do well from the very start从一开始我就努力学习应该怎么做

As time goes by you gradually grow up时间一天天过去 你一天天长大

Baby you are always my love宝宝你永远都是我的挚爱

Papa, papa, when shall we travel far?爸爸,爸爸,我们什么时候出去旅游啊

Taking my telescope to see the star带着我的望远镜去看星星

Baby, baby, taking the map you drew宝宝,宝宝,带着你画的那个地图

Follow me do as I do跟我来,找我的样子做.

Funny papa runs very fast 有趣的老爸跑得好快

You are mommy's and my superstar你是我跟妈妈的超级巨星

You know why I love that cookie jar你知道我为什么喜欢那个曲奇饼干罐

You re the best man always in my heart你是永远是我心中最棒的人

Papa , papa, when shall we travel far?爸爸,爸爸,我们什么时候出去旅游啊

Taking my telescope to see the star带着我的望远镜去看星星

Baby, baby, taking the map you drew宝宝,宝宝,带着你画的那个地图

Follow me do as I do跟我来,找我的样子做.



Taking my telescope to see the star带着我的望远镜去看星星

Baby, baby, taking the map you drew宝宝,宝宝,带着你画的那个地图

Follow me do as I do跟我来,找我的样子做.

Papa , papa, when shall we travel far? 爸爸,爸爸,我们什么时候出去旅游啊

I won t be afraid when sky s getting dark  跟你在一起我就不怕天黑啦

Baby, baby, you really did so great 宝宝,宝宝,你真棒

You are forever my sweet! 你永远是我的宝贝

Lalalalala 啦啦啦啦啦

Twinkle, twinkle, little star, 一闪,一闪,的小星星

How I wonder what you are.我真想知道你到底是什么

Twinkle, twinkle, little star,一闪,一闪,的小星星

How I wonder what you are. 我真想知道你到底是什么





