配乐:《哥伦布传》之Conquest Of Paradise征服天堂
电影1492 Conquest Of Paradise(哥伦布传)主题音乐 Conquest Of Paradise(《征服天堂》)是希腊先锋电子作曲家范吉利斯(Vangelis)电影配乐的最广为流传的代表作。音乐运用强烈的电声音效合成极具现代感的电子交响乐,贯穿进行曲式的紧张节奏,配以深沉雄浑的合唱,营造出史诗般的宏大氛围,让影片中哥伦布航海、征服美洲的场景更为波澜壮阔,历程的悲壮感更震撼人心。
Dana Winner演唱版
Conquest of paradise
There shines a light in the heart of man
That defies the dead of the night
A beam that glows within every soul
Like wings of hope taking flight
A sunny day, when a baby’s born
The little things that we say
A special sparkle in someone’s eye
Simple gifts, every day
Somewhere there’s a paradise
Where everyone finds release
It’s here on earth and between your eyes
A place we all find our peace
Come – open your heart
Reach for the stars
Believe your own power
Now, here in this place
Here on this earth
This is the hour
It’s just a place we call paradise
Each of us has his own
It has no name, it has no price
It’s just a place we call home
A dream that reaches beyond the stars
The endless blue of the skies
Forever wondering who we are?
Forever questioning why?
There shines a light in the heart of man
That defies the dead of the night
A beam that glows within every soul
Like wings of hope taking flight
Like wings of hope taking flight