
Tegan and Sara《The Con》

来源:金玉米 编辑:admin 时间:2020-11-25


组队时间: 1998. [/font] Tegan And Sara
风格类型: Indie-Rock, Folk-Rock.   
    『Tegan and Sara』是蕾丝边双胞胎团体,也是加拿大知名的词曲创作者,唱著空心及他伴奏的独立摇滚,成熟的歌声,以及相当生活化的歌词,一九八十年九月十八日出生於加拿大亚伯达省的卡加立,他们出自於单亲家庭,从小就学习钢琴,不过对音乐并没有太多兴趣,十五岁那年,因为母亲男友留下的一把吉他而开始创作音乐,并自称为『PLUNK』,一九九八年,十七岁,就读高中的『Tegan and Sara』因为参加当地的『Garage Warz』音乐大赛脱颖而出而获得录制唱片的机会,一九九九年他们以『Sara and Tegan』名义录制了「Yellow Demo」、「Red Demo」与「Orange Demo」三张未发行的Demo专辑,那年他们也独立发行首张专辑『Under Feet Like Ours』,受到市场上的支持,在名声逐渐稳固後,也担任Rufus Wainwright(洛福斯温莱特)、Neil Young(尼尔杨)、Ryan Adams(莱恩亚当斯)、The Killers(杀手乐团)、The Pretenders(伪装者合唱团)的巡回暖场团,甚至受邀参与Sarah McLachlan(莎拉克劳克兰)的『Lilith Fair(莉莉丝音乐节)』,2000年,他们受到Neil Young(尼尔杨)经纪人Elliott Roberts的赏识,而签入旗下的Vapor Records,加拿大则隶属环球唱片。   
    2000年,改名为『Tegan and Sara』,并发行加入大厂的首张专辑『This Business of Art』,当年他们获得加拿大地区电视YTV评选的『年度乐团』,唱片公司也於隔年重新推出首张专辑『Under Feet Like Ours』,2002年的『If It Was You』则拿下知名的加拿大音乐奖(Western Canadian Music Awards)『杰出流行专辑录制』奖,2004年的『So Jealous』收录的首支单曲『Walking With a Ghost』,摇滚乐团The White Stripes(白线条合唱团)也曾翻唱过,专业音乐评论网站(All Music Guide)予以四颗星的评价,『So Jealous』被谕为是『Tegan and Sara』更为精练流畅的佳作,2006年该专辑入围朱诺奖『年度另类专辑』及”滚石”评为50佳。




the con-tegan & sara

I listened in
Yes I'm guilty of this you should know this
I broke down and wrote you back before you had a chance to
Forget forgotten
I am moving past this given notice
I have to go
Yes I know the feeling, know you're leaving
Calm down, I'm calling you to say
I'm capsized, erring on the edge of safe
Calm down, I'm calling back to say
I'm home now
I'm coming around, I'm coming around
Nobody likes to but I really like to cry
Nobody likes me
Maybe if I cry
Spelled out your name and lists the reasons
Faint of heart
Don't call me back
I imagine you when I was distant
Not insistent
I follow suit and laid out on my back
Imagine that
A million hours left to think of you and think of that
Calm down, I'm calling you to say
I'm capsized, erring on the edge of safe
Calm down, I'm calling back to say
I'm home now
I'm coming around, I'm coming around
Nobody likes to but I really like to cry
Nobody likes me
Maybe if I cry
Encircle me, I need to be, taken down
Encircle me, I need to be, taken down
Encircle me, I need to be, taken down
Encircle me, I need to be, taken down
Nobody likes to but I really like to cry
Nobody likes me
Maybe if I cry
Nobody, Nobody, Nobody, Nobody,
Nobody, Nobody, Nobody, Nobody, Nobody,
Encircle me, I need to be, taken down
Encircle me, I need to be, taken down
Encircle me, I need to be, taken down
Encircle me, I need to be, taken down






