

来源:金玉米 编辑:admin 时间:2022-03-26




 瑞典歌手Lasse Lindh演唱的《Hush》。



Hush (《孤单又灿烂的神-鬼怪》韩剧插曲) 

演唱: Lasse Lindh

Written by:Nam Hyeseung/Kim Huijin/Cho Hyeeum


Through the endless daydream从无尽幻想中醒来

I saw you on the way back我看见你踏上归途

There I walked with you in my arms我把你拥入怀中 与你并肩前行

Through the blurry darkness穿过苍茫黑夜

Who's veiling on the twilight是谁在暮光中若隐若现

We've been far away from my fears我们已不再畏惧

Somewhere else I'll see you我会在某个地方遇见你

Our days be like a blossom你我共度的每一天都如同春暖花开

Blooming all around you so bright你的身边花团锦簇 如此明艳

By and by I'll miss you分开以后 我会想念你

And your laugh like a sunshine你的笑容像一束阳光

Fading into shadow of tears渐渐驱散眼泪的阴霾

All around me is your light你的光芒照亮了我

With you everything so shines和你在一起 一切都如此灿烂

How come we'll leave all behind为何我们会忘记所有忧愁

Cause your love is falling on my heart因为你的爱深埋我心

And I'm falling for you我深深爱上了你

Falling with broken wings again再次折断了双翼

Hush now my angel I will always be with you安静 我的天使 我会永远守护你

In your pretty smile in a glow of tears在你灿烂的笑容里 在你痛苦的泪光中

Out across the frosty night陪你度过无尽寒夜

I'll be there with you我会永远守护你

Maybe someday you'll wake up alone without me也许某天一觉醒来 你发现我不在身旁

But don't cry again I'll be waiting here但请别再哭泣 我会在这里等

Where the moon is on the rise皓月升空 月色旖旎

As the olden days回首往昔

I could just go with you between our time你我共度甜蜜时光

Where they can't find us somehow你可以与我一起

You could just come away with me out there去到那无人可寻之地

Where we could dream away all day我们可以在那里无忧无虑地生活

Hush now my angel I will always be with you安静 我的天使 我会永远守护你

In your pretty smile in a glow of tears在你灿烂的笑容里 在你痛苦的泪光中

Out across the frosty night陪你度过无尽寒夜

I'll be there with you我会永远守护你

Maybe you'll always breath in me ever in my heart也许你会永远记得我 我的心里

All the little pieces of you look how they shine above全是你的身影 仰望夜空繁星闪烁

Come away with me tonight今夜请你与我远走高飞

We'll be dreaming away there我们会在那里无忧无虑地生活

Maybe you'll always breath in me ever in my heart也许你会永远记得我 我的心里

All the little pieces of you look how they shine above全是你的身影 仰望夜空繁星闪烁

Come away with me tonight今夜请你与我远走高飞

We'll be dreaming away there我们会在那里无忧无虑地生活








