
《This Moment》-韩剧《Good Wife》中的一首好听的英文歌

来源:金玉米 编辑:admin 时间:2022-03-26

 《This Moment》是凯蒂·佩Katy Perry里第三张录音室专辑《Prism》中的一首歌曲,被发布于2013年10月22日。

韩剧《Good Wife》改编自美剧《傲骨贤妻》,
《Good Wife》12集最后出现的这首欢快的英文歌,当时就醉了,再加上苦逼的男二徐中元终于与慧敬把时间调到了一致,一言不合就开房,其间好事多磨,不按套路放弃……
Can you tell me, who called the race? 你能告诉我谁正奋力抗争?
 Can anyone stay in one place? 又有谁会甘于止步不前吗?   
And when you get to the finish line   当你已经触及彼岸之线时   
Will you wish for more time?   你又会企望更多的时间吗?   
I say one day   我想说一定会有那么一天   
One day you will   你将会奢望你不曾所求的  
But maybe one day you will find   兴许有一天你会发现事情   
That you just can't push rewind   过去了便无法按下回放键   
All we have is this moment   ”此时此刻“是我们拥有的全部   
Tomorrow's unspoken   明日似未解之谜无法言喻  
Yesterday is history   而昨日的种种已化为历史  
So why don't you be here with me?   你何不如就与我同在于此?   
All we have is this moment   当下时光,我们的拥有的全部   
To put our love into motion   是让我们的爱蓬勃的时刻   
Yesterday is history   昨天的事已是不变的历史  
So why don't you be here with me?   你何不如就与我同在于此   
Be here with me now   就是现在,与我同在于此  
Do you ever think that, we're just chasing our tails?   你想过我们正劳而无功吗?   
Like life is one big fast treadmill   好似疾步如飞却毫厘未行   
And we pop what is prescribed   我们任然尊崇着条条法规   
If it gets us first prize   即使那样能推我们至顶峰   
But you know who I, who I think will win   你也心知肚明最终胜利者   
Are the ones that love loving   将会是那些心存博爱的人   
Are the ones that take the time   是那些为爱而不惜时的人   
All we have is this moment   ”此时此刻“是我们拥有的全部   
Tomorrow's unspoken   明日似未解之谜无法言喻  
Yesterday is history   而昨日的种种已化为历史  
So why don't you be here with me?   你何不如就与我同在于此?   
All we have is this moment   当下时光,我们的拥有的全部   
To put our love into motion   是让我们的爱蓬勃的时刻   
Yesterday is history   昨天的事已是不变的历史  
So why don't you be here with me?   你何不如就与我同在于此   
Be here with me now   就是现在,与我同在于此  
Be here with me now   就是现在,与我同在于此  
'Cause refuge check is right now, right in front on you   安慰的庇护在你眼前,它正试图抑制你
Don't let the clock, the clock tell you what to do   别让时间流逝限制你,限制你的行动  
Refuge check is right now, I'm in front of you   安慰的庇护正抑制你,我却在你眼前  
Baby don't blink and miss   别漠视世界,别迷失自我   
This moment   此时此刻   
Tomorrow's unspoken   明日似未解之谜无法言喻  
Yesterday is history   而昨日的种种已化为历史  
So why don't you be here with me?   你何不如就与我同在于此?   
All we have is this moment   当下时光,我们的拥有的全部   
To put our love into motion   是让我们的爱蓬勃的时刻   
Yesterday is history   昨天的事已是不变的历史  
So why don't you be here with me?   你何不如就与我同在于此   
Be here with me now   就是现在,与我同在于此





