
《火的战车》主题曲——chariots of fire

来源:金玉米 编辑:admin 时间:2024-06-24

  《火的战车》这部音乐作品,是1982奥斯卡金像奖的音乐获奖作品。作曲家是希腊人范吉利斯(vangelis )。我钟情于这位被称为现代瓦格纳的大师,钟情于电子合成器给我们带来的特殊的听觉美感。《火战车》是休·赫德森1981年执导的一部电影。影片讲述剑桥大学犹太学生为了对抗种族偏见,为同胞争光,一心想成为赢得奥运会百米赛金牌的第一个犹太人。最后,自信而有拼搏精神的他终于夺得百米决赛冠军。自上世纪70年代后,电子合成器普遍运用于音乐创作,出现了大量的电影配乐、插曲。比如,那一时期我们对合成音乐的了解就是从罗马尼亚影片《沸腾的生活》开始的,耳目一新,好听!

  chariots of fire


  pandemonium - the singles collection

  bwo - chariots of fire

  this planet is turning our tires are burning

  start up the engines i'm ready to go

  you caused a commotion and got my devotion

  we should be bonnie and clyde on the road

  i feel fascination a kicking sensation

  this is my turn and i'm striking for gold

  let's fly this truck through the sky

  worlds colliding we keep on riding

  ooh oh chariots of fire

  higher and higher ascending above

  ooh oh chariots of fire

  share my desire creation of love

  ooh oh chariots of fire

  higher and higher ascending above

  ooh oh chariots of fire

  share my desire creation of love

  it's my dedication to rule aviation

  i'm certified with the highest degree

  i strive for perfection you had the connection

  now i've got god shine his light down on me

  it ain't necessary to call virgin mary

  when you have the gift to set my spirit free

  let's take this train through the sky

  worlds colliding we keep on riding

  ooh oh chariots of fire

  higher and higher ascending above

  ooh oh chariots of fire

  share my desire creation of love

  ooh oh chariots of fire

  higher and higher ascending above

  ooh oh chariots of fire

  share my desire creation of love

  those were the halcyon days

  the days when we walked on the scene

  those were the halcyon nights

  the lights shining bright on the screen

  when we dreamed of creating machines

  waving sounds to our dreams

  i feel fascination a kicking sensation

  this is my turn and i'm striking for gold

  let's fly this truck through the sky

  worlds colliding we keep on riding

  ooh oh chariots of fire

  higher and higher ascending above

  ooh oh chariots of fire

  share my desire creation of love

  ooh oh chariots of fire

  higher and higher ascending above

  ooh oh chariots of fire

  share my desire creation of love

  it's a brand new day things will go my way

  every night i pray every time i say

  it's a brand new day things will go my way

  every night i pray every time i say

Chariots of Fire
二刷理解会不同。影片双男主设置,有梦想的Harold Abrahams和有信仰的Eric Liddell。我更喜欢Eric Liddel,不仅是他与我们这片土地和土地上的人们有着深厚的联系。

电影《烈火战车》(Chariots of Fire)原声音乐Titles(Hi-Res) 由希腊著名音乐家Vangelis(范吉利斯)创作 本片获得第54届奥斯卡最佳原创配乐 这首曲子是伦敦奥运会开幕式憨豆先生与伦敦交响乐合作的曲目 也是伦敦奥运会运动员颁奖仪式的曲目

P.S:出演Eric Liddel的英国演员Ian Charleson有一种一下就能牢牢吸引住你的魅力和实力。 





