电影《Like Sunday ,Like Rain》(如晴天,似雨天)经典台词
1 认识你真的很好,真的很难想象我和你只相处了几个月,感觉我像认识了你一辈子。
2 Someone doesn't treat you the way you deserve,than they don't deserve to have you.
3 like sunday like rain 如晴天,似雨天
4 要是你不好好展现自己的才华,那就是在犯罪。
5 陪伴,无关年龄。
6 If you belong together with someone,
than it works.
Trouble is finding someone you belong with,
belongs with you.
7 It's hard to believe it's only been a couple of months. I feel like I've known you...
I have all these words, these things...things I feel I need to say to you, only now. Something I don't know the capacity to speak.
8 如果你注定跟某人在一起,就会幸福,麻烦的是去找到命中注定那个人,属于你的人。
9 It's hard to believe it's only been a couple of months.I feel like I've known u.
10 如果一个人不好好以你值得拥有的方式对待你,他们也就不配得到你。
Ⅺ 这就是一个巨大的错误,生活就是一连串这样的错误。