
香奈儿香水广告】 CHANEL N°5—奥黛丽塔图 Audrey Tautou

来源:金玉米 编辑:admin 时间:2024-08-29

I'm a Fool to Want You

演唱:Billie Holiday (比莉.荷莉戴)

I'm a fool to want you

I'm a fool to want you

To want a love that can't be true

A love that's there for others too

I'm a fool to hold you

Such a fool to hold you

To seek a kiss not mine alone

To share a kiss that devil has known

Time and time again I said I'd leave you

Time and time again I went away

But then would come the time when I would need you

And once again these words I had to say

I'm a fool to want you

Pity me I need you

I know it's wrong it must be wrong

But right or wrong I can't get along

Without you

I can't get along

Without you


Follow the romantic paths of Audrey Tautou on a night train to Istanbul.

女主是主演《天使爱美丽》的法国影星Audrey Tautou

男主是美国名模Travis Davenport

Music : "I'm a fool to want you" performed by Billie Holiday

故事发生在从巴黎开往伊斯坦布尔的 东方快车上,配合欧洲古朴的火车站,灯光摇曳闪烁的车厢,复古温馨的小镇,这是一次自我放逐的旅程,一次与爱情的邂逅,一份浪漫的回忆。







