

来源:金玉米 编辑:admin 时间:2020-09-07

  前南斯拉夫- 深深的海洋  

深深的海洋 你为何不平静
不平静就象我爱人 那一颗动摇的心
不平静就象我爱人 那一颗动摇的心
年轻的海员 你真实的告诉我
可知道我的爱人 他如今在哪里
可知道我的爱人 他如今在哪里
啊 别了欢乐 啊 别了青春
不忠实的少年抛弃我 叫我多么伤心
不忠实的少年抛弃我 叫我多么伤心

塞尔维亚语(Cрпски;Srpski),塞尔维亚-克罗地亚语。塞尔维亚语主要在塞尔维亚、黑山、波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那和其他地方的塞尔维亚人使用。 该语言历史上用过希腊字母、西里尔字母、拉丁字母、格拉哥里字母、阿拉伯字母书写。仅保留西里尔字母和拉丁字母书写系统。在塞尔维亚跟波黑,该语并用西里尔字母和拉丁字母,并且两种字母都得到了官方的认可。但在克罗地亚,该语仅用拉丁字母书写,西里尔字母并不得到官方的认可。
O more duboko

O more duboko, sva moja radosti! Po tebi meni plovi cvit; cvit moje mladosti.

 Ne mogu od milja niz more gledati, Mornare ja ću pitati za svoga dragoga.

 On moru pošo je da robu kupuje     I skoro će se vra titi u mili zavičaj.

 Moj dragi suđeni, u kojoj si dubravi? Napiši jedan listak ti o našoj ljubavi.

 Ah ružo rumena, ti men si suđena,   Ko proljetntni što dani sunašcu žarkome.

 Ko mjesec mjesecu, sunašce sunašcu,  Ti meni ležiš, draga, na mome srdašcu.

O more duboko,
sva moja radosti
Po tebi meni plovi cvit,
cvite moje mladosti

Ne mogu od milja
niz more gledati
mornare ja ću pitati
za svoga dragoga

Moj dragi suđeni
u koj' si dubravi?
Napiši jedan listak ti
o našoj ljubavi
Oh deep sea,
All my joy.
A flower sails upon you
Flower of my youth

Out of fondness, I can't
look down the sea,
I will ask sailors
about my darling

My darling, my destiny,
in which harbor are you?
Write me a line or two
about our love

In China, this song is known as a Yugoslav folk song, and is loved by all. I asked a Croatian guy about this song. He said he never heard this song before, but thought it might be a Dalmatian folk song. In YOUTUBE, there is indeed a Dalmatian song titled O more duboko ("Deep Ocean"). But it is apparently not the one we are talking about.
Dear Everyone:
There is a song in China which became very popular at least half a century ago, and the title of the song is "Deep Deep Ocean", and is known as a "Yugolav folk song". It is usually sung as a duet by a
soprano and a mezzo-soprano, and the lyrics has been translated into Chinese, and I don't know what the original language of its lyrics is. And its Chinese lyrics can be loosely translated as Deep Deep Ocean
Deep Deep Ocean
Oh, deep deep oceanWhy are you so turbulent?
Turbulent as The shaken heart of my lover.
Oh, young sailor,Please truthfully tell me,
Do you know  Where my lover is today?
Oh, happiness is gone,Oh, my youth is gone,
The unfaithful young man cast me off,How heartbroken I am!
A YOUTube video of this song is here:

Could anyone please tell where exactly this song is from and what the title and lyrics are in its original language? Could you also provide the original lyrics?
Thank you for reading and replying!
Миленький ты мой  亲爱的我的你


This is Миленький ты мой (You my darling). other versions

    Миленький ты мой    (текст песни №1)

 Ах миленький ты мой   возьми меня с собой

Oh darling   you're my take me with you/yourself

Там  в   краю    далёком   буду тебе жено-ой

There at edge of  distant/far 'll be woman/my wife

Там в краю далёком буду тебе женой


Ох милая моя  взял бы я тебя

Oh my darling I would take you

Там в краю далёком есть у меня жена

There at the edge of the distant I have a wife

Ох миленький ты мой  возьми меня с собой

Oh darling you're my, take me with you

Там в краю далёком   буду тебе сестрой

There at the edge of the far, will you sister

Ах там в краю далёком буду тебе сестрой


Ох милая моя взял бы я тебя

Oh my darling I would have taken you

Там в краю далёком есть у меня сестра

There at the edge of the distant I have a sister

Ох миленький ты мой возьми меня с собой

Oh darling you're my take me with you

Там в краю далёком буду тебе чужой

There at the edge of the distant'll be a stranger

Ох там в краю далёком буду тебе чужой

Ох милая моя взял бы я тебя

Oh my darling I would have taken you

Там в краю далёком чужая мне не нужна

There at the edge of the distant stranger I don't need

Ох там в краю далёком чужая мне не нужна

Ох миленький ты мой возьми меня с собой

Oh darling you're my take me with you

Миленький ты мой возьми меня с собой








