
never grow old:青春永不老

来源:金玉米 编辑:admin 时间:2021-10-09

 never grow old:青春永不老

  Never Grow Old 是The Cranberries《wake up and smell the coffee》/《在咖啡香中醒来》的一首歌曲。

  视频: The cranberries-never grow old

  never grow old:青春永不老双语歌词:

  I had a dream 我有一个梦想

  Strange it may seems 它可能会有些奇怪

  It was my perfect day 这是我完美的一天

  Open my eyes 张开我的眼睛

  I realize 我发现

  This is my perfect day 这是我完美的一天

  Hope you never grow old 希望你永远不会老

  Hope you never grow old

  Hope you never grow old

  Hope you never grow old


  Birds in the sky 天空中的小鸟

  They look so high 它们看上去那么高

  This is my perfect day 这是我完美的一天

  I feel the breeze 我能感觉到微风

  I feel it is 我感觉到

  It is my perfect day 这是我完美的一天

  Hope you never grow old 希望你永远不会老

  Hope you never grow old

  Hope you never grow old

  Hope you never grow old

  Forever young 永远年轻

  I hope you stay 我希望你能保持

  Forever young 永远年轻


  never grow old 短句举例:

  The love that we share will never grow old.我们的爱情永远不会衰老

  Children of DYC never grow old, they just fade away.DYC的孩子们从未老去,只是色彩在渐褪。

  You never grow old until you've lost your entire marvel.除非完全失去创在奇迹的愿望,否则你永远不会变老。

  The blue mountains never grow old and the green waters flow on forever.青山不老,绿水长存。

  Like summer leaves may turn to gold. The love we share will never grow old.季节会变,树叶会落,我们的爱情却常青不败。

  The goddess had forgotten to ask that Tithonus might never grow old.这位女神忘记让泰索尼斯永远年轻。

  Louis: You see that old woman? That will never happen to you. You will never grow old, and you will never die.你看见那个老妇人了么?你永远不会像她那样,你永远不会老,永远不会死。

  ByShakespeare Those who love deeply never grow old; they may die of old age, but they die young.深爱的人是永远不会老的,固然他们会因衰老而死,但他们的心永远年轻。

  Those who love deeply never grow old; the may die of old age, but they die young.那些深爱别人的人是永远不会变老的,他们也许会因为年老而逝去,但即使他们去世时,仍然保持着年轻。

  If wrinkles must be written upon our brows, let them not be written upon the heart. The spirit should never grow old.如果皱纹必须书写在眉上,千万不要让皱纹书写在心头上。精神应该永不变老。

  Like ice in a drink,invisible ink,or dreams in the cold light of day.The children of Rock 'n Roll never grow old,they just fade away.过了矫情造作的年龄了也不玩愤怒了但是摇滚是一种精神让我们永远年轻呵呵这句话记不清是谁说的(约翰列农??






