

来源:金玉米 编辑:admin 时间:2022-11-25

 著名的《I Will Always Love You》的作者兼原唱、横跨乡村和流行的美国影视歌三栖老牌才女Dolly Parton在她90年代的Live版专辑《Heartsongs》中,以一曲有着十足50年代摇滚味道且笑料百出的《PMS blues》作为演唱会的高潮和结束,委实出人意料。众所周知,拥有性感迷人身材、号称其海报照片可让奶牛增产的Dolly Parton的歌曲或明快俏丽,或委婉抒情,象这样重口味的摇滚歌曲还是第一次听到,让人不得不佩服Dolly的神通广大。

PMS,意为经前综合症,经常可以看见这样的女性朋友,她们每个月总有那么几天因身体原因变得脾气暴烈阴晴不定,让她们的亲人特别是伴侣吃足了苦头,甚至连她们自己也怕了自己,尽管一再向自己保证下次绝不再犯,可到了下个月一切依旧——可怜的男人们!乡村天后DollyParton搞笑摇滚力作《PMSBlues》(Live)Dolly在《PMS blues》中以诙谐的语言和夸张的舞台表演再现了一位家庭主妇在PMS发作那几天的情绪变化,一会儿怒一会儿笑,一会儿歇斯底里,全曲在女主人公“沉痛”的哭声中结束,反让观众笑得人仰马翻,这一份带有明显自嘲意味的幽默怕是内地音乐人写不出来的。 

Dolly Parton - PMS Blues



Eve, you wicked woman, you done put your curse on me.
Why didn't you just leave that apple hanging in the tree.
You make us hate our husbands, our lovers and our boss.
Why I can't even count the good friends I've already lost.
Oh those
PMS Blues. PMS Blues
I don't even like myself but its something I can't help.
I got those god almighty, slap somebody
PMS Blues.

Most times I'm easy going.
Some say I'm good as gold.
But when I PMS, I turn mean and cold.
Those not afflicted with it, are affected just the same.
You poor ol' men
just have to grin
and say I feel your pain.
PMS Blues
Right Bubba. But what else are you gonna say.
PMS Blues
LORD, LORD, you know you must forgive us
cause we care not what we do.
I got those can't stop crying, dishes flying
PMS Blues.

But you know that we can't help it.
We don't even know the cause.
But as soon as this parts over then comes that menopause.
OH, LORD, I 'm gonna always be a heap of fun.
Like the devil taking over my body.
Suffering. Suffering. Suffering.
Everybody's Suffering. OH.

But a woman had to write this song, a man would be scared to
Lest he be called a chauvinist or just fall victim to those
PMS Blues.
You know we'd kill for less than that.
PMS Blues. OH HO.

You don't want to cross my path, cause a pit bull ain't no match
For these teeth a'clinching, fluid retention, head a'swelling, can't stop yelling
Got no patience. I'm so hateful
PMS Blues.

Pre-Menstrual Syndrome.
Got those mood's a swinging, tears a'slinging,
nothing fits me when it hits me,
Rantin', Ravin', Misbehavin'
PMS Blues

Can you witness.....
You women wanna witness...
Aw, tell it sister.
Tell it sister as only you know how.

You men wanna witness....
Aw, tell it brother.
Tell it cause you sure knowt what I'm talking about. HA!

You little kids. You wanna witness.
You wanna talk about that mean ol' devil momma of yours.
I said the KIDS. You mommas stay out of this, you done enough to them kids already.
Come on Kids, witness. You are safe with your friend Dolly.

Its the only time in my life I ever think about wishing I'd been a man.
But you know that only leaves one thing.
Because if I had been a man, I'd be somewhere right this very minute with some ole cranky, naggin', raggin', hateful woman with those
PMS Blues. PMS Blues.
I don't wanna talk about it.
We both could do without it.
I got those
Shoot your kids bad,
don't you talk back
go ballistic,
Awful, lowdown, Bitch to be around
PMS Blues.
BOO HOO HOO..............
Oh, what are you looking at.





