
亚伦卡特(Aaron Carter)《I`m all about you 》

来源:金玉米 编辑:admin 时间:2020-05-11

《I`m all about you 》

歌手:Aaron Carter亚伦卡特

There's somethin' that
I've got to say
You're always with me
Even though, you're far away
Talkin to you on my cell
Just the sound of your voice
Makes my heart melt
Oh girl, well it's true
I'm all about you
I'm all about us
No, baby, you never have
To question my love
And every night
There's a new crowd
But it's always you
That I'm singing about
There is only one these words
Are going out to
Oh girl, I'm all about you

Iknow you worry sometime
Some other girl will make me forget you're mine
There's not a doubt in this world
That anyone could take the
Place of my number one girl

It's true
I'm all about you
I'm all about us
No, baby, you never have
To question my love

And every night
There's a new crowd
But it's always you
That I'm singing about
There is only one these words
Are going out to

Oh girl, I'm all about you
When i close my eyes i can see you
It's like your right here
And this feeling's only gettin' stronger
You're with me everywhere

I'm all about you
I'm all about us
No, baby, you never have
To question my love

And every night
There's a new crowd
But it's always you
That I'm singing about
There is only one these words
Are goin' out to

Oh girl, I'm all about you
I'm all about you
I'm all about you
I'm all about you
I'm all about you....



 一首歌《Do You Remember》,阳光的声音和清爽的旋律,等再仔细看了演唱者的资历,真是着实让人惊叹,真是不愧为“流行乐小王了”,虽说“后街男孩”的Nick是他的亲哥哥,对他进入歌坛肯定给予了不少支持,但并不可否认他是拥有这样的音乐天赋的,来看看这个神童歌手的成长经历吧:


Aaron Carter的真正含义:

    Aaron生于1987年12月7日,他的音乐生涯在他7岁时就开始了,他成为"DEAD END"乐队的主唱。从那时开始他创下了打击乐史上最小年龄的世界记录。

    亚伦.卡特是英国音乐史上拥有连续五首十大金曲的最年轻的歌手,被人誉为“流行乐小王子”。身为当今最红的男孩团体“新好男孩”成员尼克.卡特的弟弟,他是“新好男孩”演唱会的特别嘉宾,第一张专辑在全球各国的十大排行榜上同时也在全球12个国家得到金唱片销售,第二张专辑《欢乐派对》创下多项白金唱片的销售记录,并一举拿下Billboard专辑榜第4名,以迅雷不及掩耳之势走红。第三张专辑《天之骄子》使他荣获第三届Teen Choice Award(少年选择奖)最佳男歌手。

    亚伦推出最新专辑《0H!AARON》(《天之骄子》),一推出就登上美国告示牌排行榜的TOP7,而这张专辑除了延续亚伦一贯的Hip Hop、RAP、雷鬼音乐风格,更祭出了胞兄———后街男孩成员中的Nick,特别跨刀与亚伦合唱了首支单曲“Not too young,Not too old”以及标题曲“0H!AARON”。专辑中还收录有I'm all about you—亚伦卡特首度深情献唱的抒情曲,及亚伦卡特的小王子白皮书“The kid in you”,他借着这首歌向全世界宣告:“永远会以音乐唤醒所有聆听者心中沉睡的青春活力!” 


1. Do You Remembers    第一遍就爱上的歌.
2. I`m all about you    亚伦守度抒情.
3.  America A-o    充满爱国气息
4. Summer time   夏威夷风光呈现眼前
5. To all the girls   快歌里很经典的一首
6. One better   慢歌里耐听的一首不过有点难找
7. I want candy   亚伦小时候很出名的歌哦。经典之作 曾被翻唱
8. You get to my heart    我心属于你
9. When it comes to you   当真爱来临
10. Keep belinving    相信我










