

来源:金玉米 编辑:admin 时间:2020-04-25

 曲:张雨生 (Composer: Zhang Yusheng/Chang Yu-sheng)
词:张雨生 (Lyrics: Zhang Yusheng/Chang Yu-sheng)
演唱:张雨生 (Singer: Zhang Yusheng/Chang Yu-sheng)
MP3:妹妹晚安-张雨生(Little Sister Good Night-Zhang Yusheng/Chang Yu-sheng)


[Note: This song is written in honor of Zhang Yusheng's little sister who died from drowning at 15 in 1986.]


妹妹晚安 我很想念妳
mèi mèi wǎn ān wǒ hěn xiǎng niàn nǐ
Little sister good night, I miss you very much

妹妹晚安 妳会在那里
mèi mèi wǎn ān nǐ huì zài ná lǐ
Little sister good night, where would you be?

这些年来 人事已非
zhè xiē nián lài rén shì yǐ fēi
Over the past few years, everything has changed

zhēn pà nǐ rèn bù dé wǒ de gǎi biàn
[I'm] really afraid that you won’t recognize me after all those changes


xiǎng nǐ bú bì jiāo jí
[I] suppose you don’t need to be upset

只是不怎么提起 我们都还记得妳
zhǐ shì bù zěn me tí qǐ wǒ men dōu hái jì de nǐ
While we just don’t mention you too much, we all still remember you

想妳不必慌张 家里格局仍一样
xiǎng nǐ bú bì huāng zhāng jiā lǐ gé jú réng yí yàng
[I] think you don’t need to panic, the [furniture] arrangement in the house is still the same

zhǐ shì shǎo le nǐ de chuáng
Only your bed is not there


妹妹晚安 我变得如何
mèi mèi wǎn ān wǒ biàn de rú hé
Little sister good night, how have I changed?

妹妹晚安 妳是不是快乐
mèi mèi wǎn ān nǐ shì bú shì kuài lè
Little sister, are you happy?

孤不孤单 冷不冷清
gū bù gū dān lěng bù lěng qīng
Are you lonely? Are you cold?

hán yè lǐ shì fǒu yǒu rén yǔ nǐ wéi bàn
Is there someone that keeps you company in the cold night?

想妳不会烦恼 那么爱笑和聒噪
xiǎng nǐ bú huì fán nǎo nà me ài xiào he guā zao
[I] assume you won’t be worried. [You] so love laughing and talking out loud

谁能躲开妳的撒娇 想妳不会无聊
shuí néng duǒ kāi nǐ de sā jiāo xiǎng nǐ bú huì wú liáo
Who would be able to shun your childlike demands? [I] guess you won’t feel bored

妳总是有妳的一套 尽管天涯或是海角
nǐ zǒng shì yǒu nǐ de yí tào jǐn guǎn tiān yá hái shì hǎi jiǎo
You always have your way [of having fun], no matter where you are


我想我不会放弃 那些有妳的记忆
wǒ xiǎng wǒ bú huì fàng qì nà xǐ1 yǒu nǐ de jì yì
I don’t think I will ever abandon those memories about you

即使年华渐渐老去 我想我更加珍惜
jí shǐ nián huá jiàn jiàn lǎo qù wǒ xiǎng wǒ gèng jiā zhēn xī
even as time grows old. I think I will cherish more

拥在怀里的亲情 因为幸福稍纵即逝去
yōng zài huái lǐ de qīn qíng yīn wèi xìng fú shāo zòng jí shì qù
the family love I carry in my arms, because happiness leaves when ignored


mèi mèi wǎn ān
Little sister, good night

mèi mèi wǎn ān
Little sister, good night








