

来源:金玉米 编辑:admin 时间:2020-04-25

 曲:尚雯婕 (Composer: Laura Shang/Shang Wenjie)
词:林夕 (Lyrics: Albert Leung/Lin Xi)
演唱:尚雯婕 (Singer: Laura Shang/Shang Wenjie)
MV: 越爱越明白-尚雯婕 (Love Changes Love-Laure Shang)

你当时的表情 难过得那么可爱 我忽然想起来
nǐ dāng shí de biǎo qíng nán guò de nà me kě ài wǒ hū rán xiǎng qǐ lái
Your expression, was sad in such a lovely way. I suddenly remembered

你对我那么好 好让我不小心把你亏待
nǐ duì wǒ nà me hǎo hǎo ràng wǒ bù xiǎo xīn bǎ nǐ kuī dài
You were so nice to me that I inadvertently treated you unfairly,

好让当时那么轻率 说我们合不来
hǎo ràng dāng shí nà me qīng shuài shuō wǒ men hé bù lái
that I was so hasty, saying we couldn't get along

好在知道了你 现在过得还不赖
hǎo zài zhī dào le nǐ xiàn zài guò de hái bú lài
Luckily I know, now you are doing pretty well

wǒ cái kāi shǐ míng bái
I finally began to realize


都因为快乐不能重来今天才难以释怀 难忘怀
dōu yīn wèi kuài lè bù néng chóng lài jīn tiān cái nán yǐ shì huái nán wàng huái
It's all because happiness can't be repeated that today I can't let it go, can't forget about it

都因为悲伤不想重复今天更懂得关怀 才开怀
dōu yīn wèi bēi shāng bù xiǎng chóng fù jīn tiān gèng dǒng dé guān huái cái kāi huái
It's all because sorrow can't be repeated that today I know more about caring, and feel happy [for being caring]

过去的不该 都变成应该
guò qù de bù gái dōu biàn chéng yīng gāi
All the "shouldn't" in the past, all became "should" [meaning the things in the past that I thought shouldn't have happened, I now understand how they happened for a reason]

不能不离开 只能够想开
bù néng bù lí kài zhǐ néng gòu xiǎng kāi
I could not not leave, I can only make peace with it [the decision to leave a relationship]


怕什么愉不愉快 只记得痛不痛快
pà shén me yú bù yú kuài zhǐ jì dé tòng bú tòng kuài
Why fear things like whether the relationship was pleasant, [I] only remember whether I loved heartily

shuí bú shì zhè yàng gèng hǎo huó xià lái
Who doesn't survive like this and lead a better life?

对上一个伤害 对下一个悔改
duì shàng yí gè shāng hài duì xià yí gè huǐ gǎi
Hurt the last one, show repentance toward the next one [meaning correcting the mistakes made in the previous relationships in the new relationship]

shuí bú shì zhè yàng yuè ài yuè míng bái
Who doesn't wise up through relationships?


没有好坏 只有缅怀
méi yǒu hǎo huài zhǐ yǒu miǎn huái
There's no such relationship as being good or bad, there's only reminiscence

还能缅怀 不算失败
hái néng miǎn huái bú suàn shī bài
If we can still reminisce, then [those relationships] are not failures.

我们都是从美好回忆伤痛追悔走过来 走出来
wǒ men dōu shì cóng měi hǎo huí yì shāng tòng zhuī huǐ zǒu chū lái zǒu chū lái
We all come from fond memories and pains and regrets, and we came out [move on]

因为尊重爱 才选择离开
yīn wèi zūn zhòng ài cái xuǎn zè lí kài
Because [we] respect love, [we] chose to leave

人虽然离开 还一直在爱
rén suī rán lí kāi hái yì zhí zài ài
Although we left, we keep loving

想你的好 想我的坏 都为了爱
xiǎng nǐ de hǎo xiǎng wǒ de huài dōu wèi le ài
Think about good things about you. Think about bad things about me. It's all for love

对你的好 对你的坏 都为了爱
duì nǐ de hǎo duì nǐ de huài dōu wèi le ài
The good things I did for you, the bad things I did to you--it's all for love




还能缅怀 不算失败 爱改变爱
hái néng miǎn huái bú suàn shī bài ài gǎi biàn ài
If we can still reminisce, then [those relationships] are not failures. Love changes love.

不用后悔 只能悔改 爱改变爱
bú yòng hòu huǐ zhǐ néng huǐ gǎi ài gǎi biàn ài
No need to regret. You can only change. Love changes love.

真心的在一起 真心的要离开 都是真实的爱
zhēn xīn de zài yì qǐ zhēn xīn de yào lí kái dōu shì zhēn shǐ de ài
[We] genuinely wanted to be together, [and] genuinely wanted to leave. It's all genuine love.

过去的不过去 未来的不会来 越爱才越明白
guò qù de bú guò qù wèi lái de bú huì lái yuè ài cái yuè míng bái
[If you don't] let bygones be bygones, the future will never come. The more you love, the more you understand.










