

来源:金玉米 编辑:admin 时间:2020-04-25


nǚ: bú yào yǐ wéi wǒ méi fā àn nǐ yǒu tōu tōu pǎo qù gēn tā jiàn miàn
Woman (W): Don't think I didn't discover you sneaking out again to meet her

不要问我什么意见 你的眼神明明就是有鬼
bú yǎo wèn wǒ shén me yì jiàn nǐ de yǎn shén míng míng jiù shì yǒu guǐ
Don't ask what I think of that, there's clearly guilt in your eyes

wǒ de jǐng gào kě shì zuì hòu yí biàn
This is my final warning

rú guǒ nǐ hái yí yàng bù zhī jiǎn diǎn
If you still don't check yourself

跟那个狐狸精闪一边 离开我的视线
gēn nà gè hú li jīng shǎn yì biān lí kāi wǒ de shì xiàn
You and that seductress [a woman who seduces other women's men, a bitch, a "foxy bitch"] better get lost and out of my sight

男:又怎么了 我的大小姐
nán: yòu zěn me le wǒ de dà xiǎo jiě
Man (M): What is it now, my little lady?

nǚ: bú bì chǎn mèi
W: Don't flatter me

男:我不过是 去喝杯咖啡
nán: wǒ bú guò shì qù hē bēi kā fēi
M: I just went out to have a cup of coffee

nǚ: guǐ huà lián piān
W: Bullshit

男:电话不接 还摆张臭脸
nán: diàn huà bù jiē hái bǎi zhāng chòu liǎn
M: (You) ignore my phone calls and you're pulling a long face

nǚ: kàn nǐ biǎo xiàn
W: It depends on your behavior

男:你不要又来 借题发挥
nán : nǐ bú yào yòu lái jiè tí fā huī
M: Don't use this again to make a fuss


女:狐狸精 她不要脸 阴魂不散 真的讨厌
nǚ: hú li jīng tā bú yào liǎn yīn hún bú sàn zhēn de tǎo yàn
W: That foxy bitch, she's shameless, creepy, and truly disgusting

nán: huì ma
M: Is she?

女:走在路上 不管是谁 她都一样乱抛媚眼
nǚ: zǒu zài lù shàng bù guǎn shì shuí tā dōu yí yàng luàn pāo mèi yǎn
W: When she walks on the street, no matter who it is, she's always making eyes at them

nán: zěn yàng
M: So what?

nǚ: wǒ de jìng gào kě shì zuì hòu yí biàn
W: This is my final warning

如果你要分手 我也随便
rú guǒ nǐ yào fēn shǒu wǒ yě suí biàn
If you want to break up, that's fine with me too

你最好快道歉 不要再装可怜
nǐ zuì hǎo kuài dào qiàn bú yào zài zhuāng kě lián
[But] you better hurry and apologize and stop pretending to be the victim

nán: bú yào zài ná fēn shǒu dāng wēi xié
M: Don't use breaking up to threaten me anymore

nǚ: shuí yòu pà shuí
W: Who is afraid of whom? [I am not afraid of you]

nán: zhěng tiān bǎ hú li jīng guà zuǐ biān
M: All day long you talk about "foxy bitches"

nǚ: shì tā fàn jiàn
W: It's she who is up to no good

男:反省一下 是你小心眼
nán: fǎn xǐng yí xià shì nǐ xiǎo xīn yǎn
M: Reflect on yourself [behavior], it's you that is being petty...

nǚ: nǐ bú yào liǎn
W: You are shameless

男:还是嫉妒她比你更美 呵呵
nán: hái shì jì dù tā bǐ nǐ gèng měi hehe
M: ...or are you jealous that she's prettier than you, hehe


男:因为你每次都爱大惊小怪 自己乱想乱掰 怀疑我的清白
nán: yīn wèi nǐ měi cì dōu ài dà jīng xiǎo guài zì jǐ luàn xiǎng luàn bāi huái yí wǒ de qīng bái
M: Because you always like to make a big deal, working yourself up with your own ridiculous thoughts, questioning my innocence...

nǚ: shì nǐ bù zhī hǎo dǎi
W: It's because you don't know what's good for you

男:去 所以我每次跟朋友吃完饭 即使是男生
nán: qù suǒ yǐ měi cì gēn péng yǒu chī wán fàn jí shǐ shì nán shēng
M: shit, that's why every time I finish dining with friends, even if they are guys,

我也懒得说出来 你说你应不应该
wǒ yě lǎn de shuō chu lái nǐ shuō nǐ yīng bù yīng gāi
I don't even want to bother telling you. What do you have to say for yourself?

奇怪 改一改 或许我就不再 耍赖 不耐烦
qí guài gǎi yì gǎi huò xǔ wǒ jiù bú zài shuǎ lài bú nài fán
Unbelievable. (If you) changed [your behavior a bit], then maybe I wouldn't be dishonest or impatient with you anymore

然后你多学学别人 怎么撒娇 一张嘴巴碎碎唸这么快 赶着去投胎啊
rán hòu nǐ duō xué xué bié rén zěn me sā jiāo yì zhāng zuǐ ba suì suì niàn zhè me kuài gǎn zhe qù tóu tāi a
And then you should learn from her, learn how to be more coquettish. Your mouth is always babbling so fast, are you in a rush to be reincarnated?



女:她以为她自己很美 男人看了都会为她心碎
nǚ: tā yǐ wéi tā zì jǐ hěn měi nán rén kàn le dōu huì wèi tā xīn suì
W: She thinks she's so pretty, that every man will fall head over heads for her

nán: yǒu ma
M: Does she?

女:我是越看越不顺眼 你到底要站在谁那一边
nǚ: wǒ shì yuè kàn yuè bú shùn yǎn nǐ dào dǐ yào zhàn zài shuí nà yì biān
W: Either way, the more I look at her, the more I dislike her, just whose side are you on?

nán: zhōng jiān
M: [I'm in the] middle

nǚ: wǒ de jǐng gào kě shì zuì hòu yí biàn
W: This is my final warning

rú guǒ nǐ hái yí yàng bù zhī jiǎn diǎn
If you still don't check yourself

跟那个狐狸精闪一边 离开我的视线
gēn nà gè hú li jīng shǎn yì biān lí kāi wǒ de shì xiàn
You and that foxy bitch better get lost and out of my sight


男:是谁会气到 七窍生烟
nán: shì shuí huì qì dào qī qiào shēng yān
M: Who would seethe with anger [like you]?

nǚ: suàn nǐ dǎo méi
W: Consider yourself unlucky then

男:只想要直接 给你一拳
nán: zhǐ xiǎng yào zhí jiē gěi nǐ yì quán
M: I just want to give you a punch

nǚ: nǐ xiǎng de měi
W: Dream on!

男:丢到外太空 去吃大便
nán: diū dào wài tài kōng qù chī dà biàn
M: Throw you into outer space, go eat shit

nǚ: nǐ zhū bā jiè
W: You pig!

男:眼不见为净 比较干脆
nán: yǎn bú jiàn wéi jìng bǐ jiào gān cuì
M: Out of sight, out of mind, that would easier.


nǚ: hú li jīng hú li jīng hú li jīng zhēn shì tǎo yan
W: Foxy bitch, foxy bitch, foxy bitch, so annoying

hú li jīng hú li jīng hú li jīng kuài gǔn yì biān
Foxy bitch, foxy bitch, foxy bitch, hurry and get lost

hú li jīng hú li jīng hú li jīng wǒ jiù shì kàn bú shùn yǎn
Foxy bitch, foxy bitch, I just don't like seeing her

hú li jīng hú li jīng hú li jīng wǒ zuì tǎo yàn
Foxy bitch, foxy bitch, foxy bitch, I hate her guts

男:卖搁碎碎念 卖搁碎碎念 【别再碎碎念】
nán: mài gē suì suì niàn mài gē suì suì niàn
M: Stop nagging, stop nagging

nǚ: heng
W: Humph

男:卖搁碎碎念 卖搁碎碎念 【别再碎碎念】
nán: mài gē suì suì niàn mài gē suì suì niàn
M: Stop nagging, stop nagging

nǚ: heng
W: Humph

男:卖搁碎碎念 卖搁碎碎念
nán: mài gē suì suì niàn mài gē suì suì niàn
M: Stop nagging, stop nagging

女: 啊
nǚ: a
W: Ah

男:卖搁碎碎念【别再碎碎念】 挖谋咻咩听 【我不想欲听】~
nán: mài gē suī suī niàn wā móu xiū miē tīng
M: Stop nagging, I don't want to hear...






