来源:金玉米 编辑:admin
在电影《莫扎特传》中, 莫扎特的妻子希望丈夫的音乐有"钱"途, 偷偷把莫扎特的音乐草谱带来见萨里耶利, 请"高人"指导。萨里耶利打开第一草谱, 异常优美,节奏轻快的《长笛和竖琴协奏曲》(K.299)第二乐章的背景音乐响起, 萨里耶利翻开第二草谱, 《第29交响曲》(K.201)第一乐章的背景音乐响起。萨里耶利对牧师回忆:"惊愕!难以置信。这是第一稿, 也是唯一的乐谱草稿。没有任何错误纠正,甚至一个也没有!他简单就是写下已 在他头里完成了的音乐。一页一页的, 就好像他在作记录一样( Astonished! it was actually beyond belief. These were first and only draft of music. But they shows no correction of any kind, not one! He had simply write down the music he had already finished in his head. Page after page of it as if he was taking dictation)"。然后萨里耶利翻开《第10钢琴协奏曲》(K.365)的第三乐章, 萨里耶利回忆说: "音乐结束了, 音乐的回音在持续。多一个音符, 音乐都会被削弱; 多一句, 结构都会塌掉。(and music finished as no music ever finished. Just placed one note and it would be diminished. Just place on phrase and the structure would fall.)"。然后是为小提琴和中提琴所写的协奏曲(K.364)第一乐章, 《c小调弥撒》(K.427)的Kyrie部分。听到女高音在教堂赞美上帝的歌, 萨里耶利说:"我认为我在大主教的宫殿听到声音是上帝的声音, 这又是上帝真正的声音! 我透过牢笼凝视着精细的笔触和绝对的美丽。(It was clear to me that the sound I had heard in the archbishop's palace has been no accident. Here again was very voice of God. I was staring through the cage meticulous strokes and an absolutely beauty.)"
1778年, 莫扎特在巴黎的6个月的逗留。莫扎特为长笛演奏家的duc de Guînes公爵和他的大女儿, 演奏竖琴的Marie-Louise-Philippine写下了《长笛和竖琴协奏曲》(K.299)。那个时候, 竖琴还不被认为是标准的管弦乐乐器, 它被认为更象是一个拨弦钢琴。因此,竖琴和长笛被认为是一个非常不寻常的组合。莫扎特的《长笛和竖琴协奏曲》(K.299)现在是非常流行的协奏曲。
《长笛和竖琴协奏曲》(K.299)的第二乐章开始是弦乐引出短字符串, 然后延长成抒情, 进一步发育成变化的主题。