Au-revoir Montréal 再见 蒙特利尔
来源:金玉米 编辑:admin
tu n'as pas autant de histoires que paris, tu n'es pas autant verre que vancouver. mais, tu m'as donné le plus d' amis et le plus de memoires.
蒙特利尔,没有巴黎那样悠久的历史, 比不上温哥华的风景, 但是在这里,我认识了很多朋友,留下了许多回忆.
princess, noisy new york girl no.1
a typical american girl. very outgoing, i feel that she never cares about anything, very confident. she sees herself a princess. she does whatever she wants. she loves playing very late at night. she stayed in montreal for 3 weeks, was fooling around with at least 4 boys. but, i kind of like the way she is. she is a cool!
她喜欢炫耀的她征服男人的"战绩", 她很善谈,夜幕降临,她可以不耐其烦地叫大家出去玩,不论拒绝多少次.在她的字典里,永远不存在" 害羞" 这个词. 她的不屑一切成就了她的宽容和勇敢. 我很欣赏她
noisy new york girl no,2
Andrea's best body. Andrea called her drinking partner. compare to Andrea, she still keeps a little purity. so she is less mature than Andrea.
跟Andrea很象, 所以她们是好朋友. 偶尔她也会主动关心别人. 几张草纸, 一篇笔记, 一张照片,我至今还心存感激,
three mexican guys, very gentle and mature. i don't even know Amigo's name, but i remeber the spanish word he taught me "amigo". since them i start to like mexicans.
三个亲切的墨西哥人 我学到了一个词 amigo-->朋友
the great host, the mature. polish brazilian
最佳主人.非常喜欢adriano讲的故事, 关于他的房东, 关于他的老板.总是充满传奇色彩和温馨的元素.
les trois mousquetaires no.3, the youngest.
he looks like Ashton Kutcher, even more handsome. a little fat secretly. he is cool, he is young, so he is shy, and he is passionate. he cares about love and people very very much. it was my pleasure to dance with him.
波尔多的三个火枪手之一. 只有16岁. 应该也是最帅气的一个. 大多数人无法发现他其实有点胖... 开始的时候觉得他很酷,其实他很害羞,不太会说英文. 有时候他非常认真. 对我们尤其是julieta.
les trois mousquetaires no.1 the alcoholic
he is shy but very funny, he loves drinking, he always has a bottle in hand, there was some one always knocking on my door in the morning to wake me up for class. at the end the term, i finally found out it was him! actually, we've never talked too much. i don't know if his purpose is good, or just for fun, but it was a sweet thing for me. however i was too chinchy to give him a thank. he was end up with a pretty mexican girl Diana.
波尔多的三个火枪手之首.总是去买酒. 传说那天看日出的时候他突然消失了一阵子,回来时候拿着酒瓶和枕头... 他住在我的隔壁.但是我们没有很多交谈. 他骗我们说他23岁, 他离开之后,我在facebook发现他只有17岁. 汗...最后我还发现他就是每天早上敲门叫我起来上课的"神秘人".
the smart, a machine made in Germany
she is very rational and precise, she's accurate like a German machine. however i think she's tired being the serious Zozan, so she's trying to do sth risky and more emotional. i am more like her than the other girls. that's why we got drunk together and we were happy about it. she is such a good trip company too.
她有时候象一加精确的德国机器. 她比我更向往放纵. 显然这对我们来说都很难. 我们一起旅行,但是我真正开始把她当朋友,却是从那天我们一起喝醉了开始.呵呵
the good girl, the bored, the noisy new york girl no.3
she is from a very strict family. so she came out as a very good girl. she cleans. she got a telant of singing. she loves laughing and she can make others laugh for long. it was very happy time being with her. but she does not like going out, prefers watching movie at home... i still like her especially when she was arguing with Geoffoy.
可爱的黑美眉.17岁.非常幽默又爱笑, 有一个diva一样的嗓音,但她自己似乎没有发现,她喜欢粘着我,在电脑上看电影. 比起她另外两个姐妹,她是一个非常乖的女孩. 我喜欢看她和geoffoy拌嘴,they were just sooo cute.
les trois mousquetaires no.2, the cute, my prince
"he is such a pretty boy" i told myself when the first time we met. he placed his eyes on me at least 10 minutes, but didn't say a word.
the party queen. the popular, my idol
julieta told me: "life consists of moments. no matter how bitter or sweet, the past has passed. you don't need to feel bad about it , you don't need to feel bad about anything."