
Whatever It Takes - Anthony Callea

来源:金玉米 编辑:admin 时间:2020-04-29

 安东尼科里亚 Anthony Callea 

   Anthony Callea 来自澳大利亚墨尔本。潜力十足散发着耀眼光芒的Anthony,不仅受邀在05年雪梨足球赛开幕演唱国歌、伊丽莎白女皇陛下殿前演唱,而澳洲流行乐坛的盛事ARIA颁奖典礼中,以新人之姿担任演出嘉宾、获得05年最佳销售专辑提名、和两支最佳销售单曲提名。“The Prayer”更风光抱走最佳销售单曲奖,更以蝉联5周冠军的好成绩获得了05年度单曲榜冠军肯定。Channel [V] OZ年度最佳艺人肯定、Australian Entertainment MO Awards年度澳籍艺人提名,获颁当代摇滚艺人奖项、POP Republic澳洲年度最佳男艺人奖、2006MTV Australia Video Music Awards观众票选奖….大大小小的奖项,都证实了Anthony Callea实力偶像兼具的特质,也代表了这位新星无限可能的发展潜能。


第二首歌曲:A New Chapter

〖下载听听〗A New Chapter
I walk these streets alone
I see the world around me changing
I am in a dream
Faces that I knew
Are slowly turning into strangers
I have never seen
I read each line I turn the page
I laugh and cry at this true story
It is time for a new chapter to begin

Why does love fall easily for some
When will it ever come to me
How do I show you what burns inside my heart
I am not just who you want me to be, to be

I hide out here sometimes
I watch the sunlight leave the skyline
Here I am safe
I close my eyes and sleep
Tomorrow brings another journey
That I will take
I read each line like it is the last
I know this book, this time has passed
I need a new chapter to begin

I walk these streets alone
I see the world around me changing
I am in a dream
How do I show you what burns inside my heart
I am not just who you want me to be, to be







