
All Because Of You--Bosson

来源:金玉米 编辑:admin 时间:2021-09-17

 Song:All Because Of You



Album:One In A Million 

Publish Time:2001

Introduce: 正是这首 One in a million 让他一举成名。这首为Sandra Bullock 主演的好莱坞影片 Miss Congeniality 特工佳丽 量身定做的主题曲光芒四射,得到了专家的一致好评,并于当年与Bob Dylan、Bjork、Sting等同时获得金球奖提名「年度最佳电影主题曲」的殊荣,这使得Bosson在刹那间成为全球流行乐界的目光焦点。也正是这首电影歌曲为Bosson叩开了美国流行乐坛的大门,继而走红全球。


All Because Of You

It's all because of you,Yeah you
It's all because of you
Nobody else makes me feel like you do
I have the time of my life
And it's all because of you
If I was able to thank you
For coming into my life
If I was able to tell the whole world how I feel
My love is for real
If I was able to write a song
I would have filled it with love
If I was able to open my heart you would see
I'm so happy
It's all because of you,Yeah you
It's all because of you
Nobody else makes me feel like you do
I have the time of my life
And it's all because of you
If I was able to live my life (over again)
I'd share the minutes with you
If I was able to count the times you bring out the sun
When I'm feeling down
If I was able to explain
How you have opened my eyes
I sure have tried about thousand times
I just feel so alive
It's all because of you,Yeah you
It's all because of you
Nobody else makes me feel like you do
I have the time of my life
And it's all because of you
It's all because of you,Yeah you
It's all because of you
Nobody else makes me feel like you do
I have the time of my life
And it's all because of you
I found the meaning
I cherish my life
Now I see everything in colors so bright
And when it's raining
I still feel the sun
So take a good look
I'm walking clouds
It's all because of you
It's all because of you,Yeah you
It's all because of you
Nobody else makes me feel like you do
I have the time of my life
And it's all because of you
It's all because of you,Yeah you
It's all because of you
Nobody else makes me feel like you do
I have the time of my life
And it's all because of you
And it's all because of you

上一篇:We Crown You--Fee
下一篇:Don't Wanna--I Nine





