
Arizona Lyrics(歌曲《亚利桑那》

来源:金玉米 编辑:admin 时间:2024-06-24

 Arizona(1969年全美金曲)是2017年的电影《凤凰城遗忘录》的插曲,Mark Lindsay 演唱。

Arizona Lyrics(歌曲《亚利桑那》歌词)

She must belong to San Francisco(她应当属于旧金山)
She must have lost her way(她应当迷路了)
Postin a poster of Poncho and Cisco(张贴“Poncho and Cisco”餐厅的海报)
One California day(加利福尼亚的一天)
She said she believes in Robin Hood and brotherhood(她说她相信罗宾汉和兄弟情谊)
And colours of green and grey(还有绿色和灰色)
And all you can do is laugh at her(你能做的就是嘲笑她)


Doesn't anybody know how to pray?(难道没有人知道如何祈祷吗?)
Arizona, take off your rainbow shades(亚利桑那,褪去你的彩虹色)
Arizona, have another look at the world(亚利桑那,再看看这个世界)
My myyy
Arizona, cut off your Indian braids(亚利桑那,把你的印第安辫子剪掉)
Arizona, hey won't cha go my way(亚利桑那,嘿,不走我的路)
Mmmm strip off your pride you're acting like a teeny-bopper run away child(嗯,放下你的自尊心,你表现得像个逃跑的小孩)
And scrape off the paint from the face of a little town saint(刮去小镇圣徒脸上的油漆)
Arizona, take off your hobo shoes(亚利桑那,脱下你的流浪鞋)
Arizona, hey won'tcha go my way(亚利桑那,嘿,不走我的路)

Follow me up to San Francisco(跟着我去旧金山)
I will be guide your way(我会指引你的方向)
I'll be the Count of Monte Cristo(我是基督山伯爵)
You'll be the Countess May(你将成为梅伯爵夫人)
And you can believe in Robin Hood and brotherhood and rolling the ball in the hay(你可以相信罗宾汉和兄弟情谊,相信在干草中打球)
And I will be reading you an Aesop's fable(我会给你读伊索寓言)
Anything to make you stay-ay-ay(有什么能让你留下来的吗)

Arizona, take off your rainbow shades(亚利桑那,褪去你的彩虹色)
Arizona, have another look at the world, my my(亚利桑那,再看看这个世界,我的)
Arizona, cut off your Indian braids(亚利桑那,把你的印第安辫子剪掉)
Arizona, hey won't cha go my way(亚利桑那,嘿,不走我的路)
Hey, Arizona, take off your hobo shoes(嘿,亚利桑那,脱下你的流浪鞋)
Arizona, have another look at the world, my my(亚利桑那,再看看这个世界,我的)
Arizona, get off your 8-ball blues(亚利桑那,摆脱你的8节蓝调)
Arizona, hey won't cha go my way(亚利桑那,嘿,不走我的路)
Come on, hey, Arizona, take off your rainbow shades(来吧,嘿,亚利桑那,褪去你的彩虹色)

【歌曲《Arizona (Re-Recorded / Remastered)》】






