

来源:金玉米 编辑:admin 时间:2024-09-07


经典场景1:(Mufasa tells Simba an important rule of life.)

Mufasa: Look, Simba, everything the light touches is our kingdom

Mufasa: A king’s time as ruler rises and falls like the sun. One day, Simba, the sun will set on my time here and will rise with you as the new king.

Simba: And this all be mine?

Mufasa: Everything!

Simba: Everything the light touches! What about that shadowy place?

Mufasa: That’s beyond our borders, you must never go there, Simba.

Simba: But I thought a king can do whatever he wants.

Mufasa: Oh, there’s more to being a king than getting your way all the time.

Simba: There’s more?

Mufasa: Simba, everything you see exists together in a delicate balance. As king, you need to understand that balance and respect all the creatures from the crawling ant to the leaping antelope.

Simba: But dad, don’t we eat the antelope?

Mufasa: Yes, Simba. But let me explain. When we die, our bodies become the grass and the antelopes eat the grass, and so we are all connected in a great circle of life.


Simba: Dad, we are pals, right? 爸,我们是好伙伴,对吗? 
Mufasa:Hnn, right. 
Simba: And we'll always be together, right? 
Mufasa:Simba, let me tell you something that my father told me. Look at the stars, the great kings of the past look down on us from those stars.
Simba: Really? 
Mufasa:Yes. So whenever you feel alone, just remember, that those kings will always be there to guide you. And so will I. (这个倒装句用得特别精彩)


Simba: That's not my father,it's just my reflection.

Rafiki: No,look harder.You see,he lives in you

Mufasa: Simba!

Simba: Father?

Mufasa: Simba,you have forgot me.

Simba: No,how could I?

Mufasa: You have forgot who you are,and you've forgot me. Look inside yourself Simba, you're more than what you have become. You must take your place in the circle of life.

Simba: How can I go back? I'm not I used to be.

Mufasa: Remember who you are, you are my son, and the one true king. Remember who you are.

Simba: Please,don't leave me!

Mufasa: Remember!
Simba: Father!

Mufasa: Remember!Remember ...

1. Everything you see exists together in a delicate balance. 世上所有的生命都在微妙的平衡中共生。 2. I laugh in the face of danger.  我会笑着面对危险。 3. I’m only brave when I have to be. Being brave doesn’t mean you go looking for trouble. 
 我只是在必要时才会勇敢,勇敢并不代表你要自找麻烦。 4. When the world turns its back on you, you turn your back on the world. 如果这个世界对你不理不睬,你也可以这样对待它。 (You got to put your past in your behind. 你得抛掉过去。)
5.  It’s like you are back from the dead.  好像你是死而复生似的。 6. You can’t change the past.  过去的事是不可以改变的。 7. Yes, the past can hurt. But I think you can either run from it or learn from it. 
 对,过去是痛楚的,但我认为你要么可以选择逃避,要么可以向它学习。 8. This is my kingdom. If I don’t fight for it, who will?   这是我的国土,我不为她而战斗,谁为呢?  9. Why should I believe you? Everything you ever told me was a lie. 
  我为何要相信你? 你所说的一切都是谎话。 10. I’ll make it up to you, I promise.  我会补偿你的,我保证。

Life’s not fair, is it? 命运真不公平。
 You see, I...Well, I shall never be king. 我呢,永远成为不了国王了。
 And you shall never see the light of another day. 而你,也永远见不到明天了。
Well, as far as brains go, I got the lion’s share. But when it comes to strength, I’m afraid I’m at the shallow end of the gene pool. 
木法沙斥责他没礼貌时,刀疤阴阳怪气地附和: “I shall practice my curtsy.”(curtsy:屈膝礼)

“Forgive me for not leaping for joy.”原谅我没有高兴得跳起来。(幽默感的回答)

刀疤面对自己手下的三只蠢货鬣狗,抱怨道: “I’m surrounded by idiots.”



What am I going to do with him? 

 He’d make a very handsome throw rug. (沙祖说:)他是快做地毯的好材料。 

 And just think, whenever he gets dirty, you could take him out and beat him.


彭彭和丁满的那就口头禅Hakuna Matata,这个短语可以翻译为“没问题”或者“别担心”,是东非地区的一个常见的表达。

彭彭的形象十分讨喜,用“I ate like a pig.”来形容自己吃太撑,而它本来就是一头





