

来源:金玉米 编辑:admin 时间:2019-11-17


 05。三菱帕杰罗汽车广告歌曲《这是我的生活》(It’s my life)

这不是无病呻吟的失恋情歌,也不深思者的是静默祈祷,这是Bon Jovi的大声呼喊:千人一面不是我的生活,我要做我自己、走自己的路!——温吞水言情剧一样的流行歌曲可以给你感动,让你感同身受、品尝记忆中残留的甜或苦;Bon Jovi的音乐却可以为你疗伤,为你注入新鲜与活力。没有Metallica那么野性,又不像Sting(点击收听)那么遗世孤独,虽是硬摇滚却并不嘈杂,仔细读读歌词,还挺积极向上呢。欣赏他们带给你的《这就是我的生活》——
歌词:This ain't a song for the broken-hearted
No silent prayer for the faith-departed
I ain't gonna be just a face in the crowd
You're gonna hear my voice when I shout it out loud

It's my life. It's now or never. I ain't gonna live forever
I just want to live while I'm alive. It's my life
My heart is like an open highway. Like Frankie said "I did it my way"
I just wanna live while I'm alive. It's my life

This is for the ones who stood their ground
For Tommy and Gina who never backed down
Tomorrow's getting harder make no mistake
Luck ain't even lucky. Got to make your own breaks


Better stand tall when they're calling you out
Don't bend, don't break, baby, don't back down

(Chorus) (Repeat)

06。奥林巴斯相机广告歌曲《嗨,茱丽叶》(Hey Juliet)

歌词:Hey Juliet

Hey Juliet. Hey Juliet

Hey I've been watching you every little thing you do
Every time I see you dance in my homeroom class makes my heart beat fast
I've tried to page you twice. But I see you roll your eyes
Wish I could make it real. But your lips are sealed, that ain't no big deal

'Cause I know you really want me. I hear your friends talk about me
So why you trying to do without me, when you got me, where you want me?
Hey Juliet I think you're fine. You really blow my mind
Maybe someday you and me can run away
I just want you to know: I wanna be your Romeo. Hey Juliet. Hey Juliet

Hey Juliet

Girl you got me on my knees, begging please, baby please
Got my best DJ on the radiowaves saying:
"Hey Juliet, why do you do him this way?" Too far to turn around
So I'm gonna stand my ground. Give me just a little bit of hope
With a smile or a glance. Give me one more chance


Hey Juliet. I know you really want me. I hear your friends talk about me
So why you trying to do without me, when you got me, where you want me?
You don't have to say forever for us to hang together
So hear me when I say: Hey Juliet

Hey Juliet. I think you're fine. You really blow my mind
Maybe someday you and me can run away
I just want you to know: I wanna be your Romeo. Hey Juliet (Repeat)

07。芝华士酒广告歌曲《我们能在一起》(We Could Be Together)


歌词:We could be together

We could be together, everyday together
We could sit forever as loving waves spill over

The moon is fully risen and shines over the sea
As you glide in my vision the time is standing still
Don't shy away too long. This is a boundless dream
Come close to me my reason. I'll take you in my wings

We could be together, everyday forever
We belong together, further seas and over

In the garden of the sea I see you looking over
With my wistful melody you leap into the water
It is no breaths sighing. This is the mermaid song
The singing of my sisters. The sea has drown for long。

08蓝妹啤酒广告歌曲《当男人爱上女人》(When A Man Loves A Woman)

歌词:When A Man Loves A Woman
Michael Bolton

When a man loves a woman can't keep his mind on nothing else
He'd trade the world for a good thing he's found
If she is bad, he can't see it. She can do no wrong
Turn his back on his best friend if he puts her down

When a man loves a woman spend his very last dime
Trying to hold on to what he needs
He'd give up all his comforts and sleep out in the rain
If she said that's the way it ought to be

When a man loves a woman I give you everything I've got
Trying to hold on to your precious love
Baby, baby please don't treat me bad

When a man loves a woman deep down in his soul
She can bring him such misery if she is playing him for a fool
He's the last one to know. Loving eyes can never see

Yes! When a man loves a woman I know exactly how he feels
'Cause baby, baby, baby when a man loves a woman
When a man loves a woman (Repeat)

09。Evian矿泉水广告歌曲《我们要震撼你》(We Will Rock You)

这首雄壮激昂的《我们将震撼你》是英国重金属摇滚风格的“皇后乐队”(Queen)1978出品的曲子,太熟悉的一首歌,从Five,布兰妮,到5566,都有它的翻唱版本——以第一人称的口气对一个从小到大浑浑噩噩过日子的伙伴说的话:你是个踢着可乐罐满街跑的闹小孩,你是个在街上大喊大叫、打架度日的壮汉,你是个无所事事的可怜老头。这样不行!很丢人!We will rock you!我们会让你清醒!

歌词:We Will Rock You

Buddy you're a boy make a big noise
Playing in the street, gonna be a big man some day
You've got mud on your face. You big disgrace
Kicking your can all over the place. Singing:

"We will we will rock you. We will we will rock you"

Buddy you're a young man hard man
Shouting in the street, gonna take on the world some day
You've got blood on your face. You big disgrace
Waving your banner all over the place

"We will we will rock you". Singing: "We will we will rock you"

Buddy you're an old man poor man
Pleading with your eyes, gonna make you some peace some day
You've got mud on your face. You big disgrace
Somebody better put you back into your place

"We will we will rock you". Singing: "We will we will rock you"
Everybody, we will we will rock you. We will we will rock you. Alright

10。立邦漆广告歌曲《多么美好的世界》(What A Wonderful World)


1988年问世的专辑《早安,越南》(Good Morning Vietnam)中一支曲子。林忆莲、齐豫、刘美君一起唱过这首歌,邓丽君也唱过这首歌,这里给你个原汁原味的版本。歌手路易斯-阿姆斯特朗(Louis Amstrong)沉沉的嗓音轻轻告诉你他眼中世界的美好:她是生机盎然的,有绿绿的树、红红的花;她是自行流转的,蓝天白云、日明夜魅;她是亲切友好的,人们互相道着问候,孩子们健康快乐地成长——如果你还有什么不满足,如果你还经常郁闷、烦躁、庸人自扰,那是你太贪心了,你周围的世界是这么令人心动呢……
歌词:What A Wonderful World
Louis Amstrong

I see trees of green, red roses too. I see them bloom for me and you
And I think to myself: What a wonderful world!

I see skies of blue, clouds of white. Bright blessed days, dark sacred nights
And I think to myself: What a wonderful world!

The colors of a rainbow so pretty in the sky
Are also on the faces of people going by
I see friends shaking hands saying "how do you do!"
They're really saying I love you

I hear babies cry. I watch them grow
They'll learn much more than I'll never know
And I think to myself: What a wonderful world!

Yes I think to myself: What a wonderful world!





