传统童谣《Old Mother Hubbard》(老妈和神秘小狗)
Old Mother Hubbard 哈伯德大妈
Went to the cupboard 走到碗柜旁
To get her poor doggie a bone,去拿骨头给她可怜的狗;
When she got there 但是当她到那时,
The cupboard was bare 碗柜里什么都没有,
So the poor little doggie had none. 可怜狗也没有吃的。

1805年6月1日当 Sarah Catherine Martin在德文郡的亚姆顿(Yealmpton)姊妹Judith Ann Martin, Mrs John Pollexfen BastardKitley 小屋滞留时,首次诵读(recited)并印刷伦敦J. HarrisThe Comic Adventures of Old Mother Hubbard and Her Dog。 她认为(claimed)自己仅仅是提供了首版的基础资料和相应的配图。她收集相关的一些民歌,1591年儿歌命名Mother Hubbard 。1803年出版物中的民歌 'Old Dame Trop' 与其极其相似, 不过'Old Mother Hubbard' 中的词汇相比这个版本更久远一些。 "Dame Trot"
Old Dame trot,
Some cold fish had got,
Which for pussy,
She kept in Store,
When she looked there was none
The cold fish had gone,
For puss had been there before.
"Dame Trot" 由Sarah Catherine Martin在 T. Evans前一年出版.
- allude
[əˈlu:d] vi. 暗指; 间接提到;源自中古发育alluder 或直接引用拉丁语alludere "to play, make fun of, joke, jest," 也指海浪拍打岸边, ad "to" (参看ad-) + ludere "to play" (参看 ludicrous)的合并. 意思是 "间接引用, 顺便提及" -
- facilitate
[fəˈsɪlɪteɪt] vt. 促进,助长; 使容易; 帮助; 源自法语faciliter "to render easy," 源自拉丁语词干facilis "easy to do," 源自 facere "to do" (源自PIE 词根*dhe- "to set, put"). 相关词汇: Facilitated; facilitates; facilitating. -
- divorce [dɪ'vɔ:s] n. 离婚; 分离; vt. 与…离婚; 分离;源自古法语divorce (14c.), 源自拉丁语divortium "separation, dissolution of marriage,"
源自 divertere "to separate, leave one's husband, turn aside" (参看 divert). -
- arrange[əˈreɪndʒ] vt. 把…(系统地)分类; 整理; 改编(剧本等); 达成…的协议 vi. (就某事与某人)达成协议,(与某人)商定(某事)(with a person about 或 for a thing); [音乐](尤指专业)改编乐曲;
源自古法语arengier "put in a row, put in battle order" (12c.,现代法语arranger), 源自a- "to" (参看ad-) + rangier "set in a row" (现代法语ranger), 源自rang "rank," 源自法兰克语*hring或近似德语, 源自普鲁士德语*hringaz "something curved, circle," 源自 PIE 词根 *sker- (2) "to turn, bend." -
- reputedly [rɪ'pju:tɪdlɪ] adv. 据说,根据风评;源自repute (v.)
- 源自中古法语reputer (late 13c.) 或直接源于拉丁语reputare "to count over, reckon; think over," 源自re- "repeatedly" (参看 re-) + putare "to judge, suppose, believe, suspect,"
愿意为 "to clean, trim, prune" (源自PIE词根*pau- (2) "to cut, strike, stamp"). 相关词汇: Reputed; reputing. -
- claime 声明 源自古法语claime "claim, complaint," 源自clamer (参看 claim (v.)).源自1792年意思是"thing claimed or demanded" ; 特指"piece of land allotted and taken"