
儿歌《Jack And Jill》

来源:金玉米 编辑:admin 时间:2022-12-13


Jack and Jill went up the hill

to fetch a pail of water

Jack fell down and broke his crown

And Jill came tumbling after.

Up got Jack, and home did trot

As fast as he could caper

He went to bed and bound his head

With vinegar and brown paper.

Jill came in and she did grin

To see his paper plaster

Mother, vexed, did scold her next,

For causing Jack’s disaster.


    英文儿歌中Jack常常代指泛化的大众性的英雄,而Jill 和 Gill 在中世纪常常以为年轻女孩或小情人。 最初的木版画刻得是两个男孩子而不是一男一女,拼写也是Gill非 Jill. 最早出版物是1765年伦敦John Newbery的《 Mother Goose's Melody》。

     童谣采用四行诗( quatrains)格式, 通常韵式为abcb (偶尔使用行间韵“internal rhymes”), 使用阴韵falling rhymes (韵脚落在非重读音节: 不强调韵脚) 和杨抑格韵律( trochaic rhythm) ( 重音在成对音节上:一个重读音加一个非重读音节), 大多数儿歌采用民谣( ballad )韵格式。 最早配旋律是James William Elliott 在他的《National Nursery Rhymes and Nursery Songs》 (1870)儿歌集中。


(关于英文的韵脚我看了半天都没看的很明白,也不知道falling rhyme是不是feminine rhyme,从表述上两个比较相近,那个学英文的给审定一下,不要让错误传播。)



Jack and Jill went up the hill
To fetch a pail of water.
Jack fell down and broke his crown,
And Jill came tumbling after.[1]


Up Jack got, and home did trot,
As fast as he could caper;
To old Dame Dob, who patched his nob
With vinegar and brown paper.[1]

到了20世纪初有不同修订本 L. E. Walter的《 Mother Goose's Nursery Rhymes 》(1919年伦敦)中如下:

Up Jack got and home did trot,
As fast as he could caper;
And went to bed and bound his head
With vinegar and brown paper.[3]

第三节(verse)有些版本中会出现,这里选的三个音频中都没有,19世纪一些小册子中有选登 :

Then Jill came in, and she did grin,
To see Jack's paper plaster;
Her mother whipt her, across her knee,
For laughing at Jack's disaster.[1]


When Jill came in how she did grin
To see Jack's paper plaster;
Mother vexed did whip her next
For causing Jack's disaster.[3]


    S. Baring-Gould认为童谣源头追溯至古挪威神话 Hjúki and Bil,这是兄妹二人;


    John Bellenden Ker猜测这指的是两个教士Jack 代表 Cardinal Wolsey而 Jill 代表Bishop Tarbes。


    还有一种说法是,大约在17世纪时,查理一世要提高酒税,议会不批准.查理一世就想出对策,要求把标准的半品脱酒的量减少,半品脱的量在英国称为Jack,四分之一品脱在英国称为Jill(应当为Gill的谐音),所以有歌词“jack fell down and broke his crown,and Jill came tumbling after”


  另一种说法是Jack and Jill故事源于法国,暗指路易十六国王和玛丽·安托瓦内特王后。以一种孩子易于接纳的方式表述。历史上路易十六于1793年被处死,这首儿歌最早是1795年出现,所以有人将其关联(ties-in)。此童谣又错拼为 Jack and Gill ,不过据考证歌曲早于这一时期,所以不太可能。



    "Jack"是腐败邪恶国王的代名词(路易十六),而"Jill"他的妻子(玛丽),"hill"指的是"top power"(最高权力),"water"指"gains from corruption"(不义之财或者好处)后来"Jack and Jill"逐渐引申为少男少女的意思。

传统童谣的内容大多有些荒谬,像这首歌里面两人成双山顶找水(山下会更容易些)。而醋和牛皮纸经常用来处理擦伤。早在16世纪就用短语"Jack and Jill" 来暗指男孩和女孩 莎士比亚的《仲夏夜之梦》中有: "Jack shall have Jill; Nought shall go ill" (III:ii:460-2) 和《空爱一场》里有 "Our wooing doth not end like an old play; Jack hath not Jill" (V:ii:874–5)句子,谚语"A good Jack makes a good Jill",都指恋爱中成双对的男女。

在英语谚语中,有很多用到"Jack and Jill","Jack"和"Jill"在英语文化中泛指男生和女生而不指具体的某个人,这已经演变为英语语言的约定俗成,譬如说:

All shall be well Jack shall have Jill.有情人终成眷属 

A good Jack makes a good Jill.夫善使妻贤 

Every Jack shall has his Jill.人各有偶

All work and no play makes Jack a dullboy.用功不玩耍,孩子会变傻 

A Jack of all trades is master of none.艺多者,无一精。 

If Jack is in love,he is no judge of Jill's beauty.情人眼里出西施


fetch /fɛtʃ/ 接来(某人); 使发出; 吸引; 售得(若干价钱)

古英语 feccan "to bring, bring to; seek, gain, take," >中古英语fecchen, 

pail /peɪl/ 桶,提桶; 一桶的量

古英语 pægel “酒桶、液体容器”>中古英语 payle “木桶”

crown /kraʊn/  王冠; 花冠(有时象征胜利); 王权; (某物的)顶部

中古英语coroune, cr (o) une <诺曼英语coroune <拉丁语corōna wreath“花环”;
tumbling /ˈtʌm blɪŋ/  摔跤,翻跟头,翻筋斗 ;tumble 跌倒、倒塌

古英语tumbian "dance about, tumble, leap." 其他来源不详。

trot /trɒt/ 马的小跑; 人快步走; 摇摇摆摆学步的孩子; 〈古〉老太婆

原意为马,古法语trot "a trot, trotting" <<SPAN class=foreign>troter "to trot, to go," 法兰克语 *trotton, 原始日耳曼语*trott-,有衍生为*tred- (参看:tread (v.踩、踏、走)).
caper /ˈkeɪ pər/ v. 跳跃,雀跃 ;n.雀跃,跳跃; [植]续随子,刺山柑花蕾; 嬉戏; 不法活动 

希腊语kapparis "the caper plant or its fruit,">拉丁语 capparis>中古英语caperes “多刺灌木”

拉丁语 caper he-goat ”雄山羊“,用来代指跳跃
bound /baʊnd/ vi.跳,弹跳; 限制; 接壤 ;n. 界限,限制; 跃起; (球等的)反跳


2、中古法语bond a leap, bondir to leap, orig. resound ≪拉丁语*bombitīre for *bombitāre to buzz, whiz ( 拉丁语bomb (us) (参看: bomb ) + -it- intensive后缀+ -ā- 元音词干+ -re infinitive 后缀)

3、中古英语bounde < 诺曼英语;古法语bone, bonde, bodne的变形 <<拉丁语budina,

4、中古英语b (o) un ready <<SPAN>古挪威语būinn, būa过去分词 to get ready
vinegar /vinegar/ 醋; 乖戾,尖酸刻薄; <口>充沛的精力

古法语 vinaigre "vinegar,醋" 。=vin "wine" (拉丁语vinum; 参看: wine ) + aigre "sour" (参看: eager). 本意就是就是有酸味的酒。古代笑话中不是有”酿酒缸缸好造醋坛坛酸“么。另一个相关的词汇源于希腊语oxos "wine vinegar酒醋" ,希腊语 oxys "sharp" 相连acrid辛辣的; 刺鼻的。

plaster /ˈplɑ:stə/ 灰泥,涂墙泥; 石膏; 膏药

希腊名词 emplastos "daubed on,涂抹"=en- "on" + plastos "molded">希腊语 emplastron "salve, plaster">拉丁语emplastrum "a plaster" (in the medical as well as the building sense)>通俗拉丁语plastrum>古英语plaster "medicinal application。"

 vex /veks / 使烦恼; 使苦恼; 使生气; 详细讨论

拉丁语vexare "to shake, jolt, toss violently;" 比喻 "attack, harass, trouble, annoy," >古法语vexer "vex, harass"

disaster /dɪˈzɑ:stə(r)/ 灾难; 彻底的失败; 不幸; 祸患

    居然与星星有关,拉丁语astrum加dis>dis-, 这里只是贬义+ astro "star, planet," 不好的星星,灾星>意大利语 disastro "ill-starred,运气不佳">古法语 désastre 。 希腊语星星 astron ,所以天文学为”astronomy“






