Jack Sprat could eat no fat
His wife could eat no lean
And so betwixt the two of them
They licked the platter clean
Jack ate all the lean,
Joan ate all the fat.
The bone they picked it clean,
Then gave it to the cat
Jack Sprat was wheeling,
His wife by the ditch.
The barrow turned over,
And in she did pitch.
Says Jack, "She'll be drowned!"
But Joan did reply,
"I don't think I shall,
For the ditch is quite dry."
Jack Sprat在16世纪人们常指身材(stature)矮小的。网络资料中查理一世身高1.62米,在人高马大的西方确实是个小矮子。歌曲大约在17世纪中叶, John Clarke's1639年所集话本中有如下句子:
- Jack will eat not fat, and Jull doth love no leane.
- Yet betwixt them both they lick the dishes cleane.[1]
《Mother Goose's Melody 》中采用相应的内容。
第一个说法: Jack Sprat 暗指国王查理一世Charles I (1625-1649) 与王后亨利埃塔·玛丽亚 Henrietta Maria(1609-1669)。查理向西班牙宣战,但是议会拒绝拨付战争款项。(leaving him lean!) ,他一气之下解散议会,之后皇后支持他收取战争税款。(to get some fat!)
第二个说法:儿歌同罗宾汉和狮心国王Richard I (Richard the Lionheart 1157 - 1199) 及它年幼的弟弟King John (1166 - 1216)有关。1189年 John (Jack Sprat)迎娶格洛斯特公爵女继承人Joan,一位贪婪且有雄心(ambitious and greedy)的女子( ("Joan ate all the fat")。无地王约翰利用其兄十字军东征(Crusade)被俘,密谋发动叛乱,夺取王位。神圣罗马帝国皇帝亨利提出索取十五万马克的赎金,即放出理查。这相当于三十万英镑,远远超出了当时英格兰的财政能力。("They picked it clean").。宗主钱不够,只能封臣凑。英格兰臣民再次解囊,全国普通骑士每人均摊二十先令,教士捐出岁入的十分之一,贵族、主教捐出岁入的四分之一。倾全国之力,勉强凑齐了定金,理查重获自由。他回到英格兰时,受到了热烈的欢迎。(配图:多雷.十字军东征)
Sprat /spræt/ 鲱鱼属的小鱼,瘦小个子,小人物
古英语sprott "a small herring,小鲱鱼" ,1560年左右用“Jack Sprat”表示 a small, light man ,反义词是 ”Jack Weight“。
lean /lin/ vi.(使)倾斜,屈身 ;adj.瘦的; 贫瘠的; 简洁的; 精干的 ;n.瘦肉; 倾向; 倾斜; 倾斜度
1、古英语 hleonian, hlinian(看出h不发音了)>中古英语lenen,源自印欧词根*klei- "to lean, to incline"(同源词中有拉丁语 clinare "to lean, bend," clivus "declivity," inclinare "cause to bend," declinare "bend down, turn aside;" 希腊语 klinein "to cause to slope, slant, incline;" )
2、古英语 hlæne "lean, thin,瘦" ,可能也源自hlænan "cause to lean or bend," 由日耳曼德语*khlainijan变化而成。
betwixt /bɪˈtwɪkst / <古>在其间; 不走极端在…之间; 在…中间; 由…到…
日耳曼德语*twa "two" *-isk "-ish." >古英语 betweox "between, among, amidst, meanwhile," = bi- "by" tweox "for two,"
platter /ˈplætə(r)/ <美>大浅盘; 唱片; 不图回报地(给予); 拱手相让
古法语plate "metal plate">罗曼英语plater,
plate源于拉丁语plata "plate, piece of metal," >古法语plate "thin piece of metal"
ditch /dɪtʃ/ n.沟渠; 壕沟 ;vt.摆脱,抛弃; 在…上掘沟; 把…开入沟里; 使(火车)出轨
古英语 dic "ditch, dike," dike的变形;
pitch /pɪtʃ/场地; 最高点; 音高; 说教
n.1 源于 pitch (v.1). 意思是 "act of throwing"。
n.2 拉丁语pix ( picis所有格) "pitch,">古英语pic "pitch,",
v.1 古英语*piccean, 同prick相关,
v.2 古英语 pician,源于n.2
drown /draʊn/ 淹死; 浸没; 麻痹某人对…的意识; (一声音)淹没(另一声音)
古英语druncnian "be swallowed up by water" ,中古英语时与drink相关
ambitious /æmˈbɪʃəs/ 有雄心的; 有野心的; 费力的; 耗资的
拉丁语ambitionem "a going around," >ambitiosus "going around to canvass for office,"
greedy /ˈgri:di /贪吃的; 贪心的; 贪婪的; 渴望的
印欧词根*gher-(5) "to like, want">日耳曼语*grædagaz>古英语rædig (西撒克逊语), gredig (盎格鲁语) "voracious, hungry," 即 "covetous, eager to obtain,"
Crusade /kru:ˈseɪd / [史]十字军东征; (宗教性的)圣战; 改革运动
拉丁语 crux "cross.">cruciare 的过去分词cruciata"to mark with a cross,">法语croisade。十字就是“cross”